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Everything posted by SamH

  1. Thanks Jarren. What do you think I should plant it with?
  2. Also, I was going to put my aggressive female Betta in there. What else can go with her? She attacks her sisters but seems to leave other fish alone and she'll probably be able to stand up for herself against slightly aggressive fish.
  3. Just setup a new tank today. 27L, 40cm long, 27cm high and 25cm wide. Got some coarse sand from Mitre10 Mega and some schist I had lying around. I washed the sand heaps (there was ALOT of dirt in it) but the water is still cloudy at the moment. Here are some pics: Does anyone have any ideas on what I should plant in it? I have JBL 7 Balls, sufficent lighting and will DIY CO2 inject too. Im thinking hairgrass at the back and perhaps riccia at the front?
  4. Congrats! Hope to spawn my CT boy (my avatar) with one of my nice Platnuim CT girls. Girls a bit feisty though... How old is the one you just spawned?
  5. You could try Riccia? Its more green and denser
  6. How should I mounth the tubes above the aquarium? Im just using a plywood box with no bottom, is this okay? There are plenty of holes for ventilation. Do I need to mount it above with wires or somethings? Thanks 8)
  7. Thanks Hans. Do you mean lighting plus/lighting direct or a more industrial type place? Can I use a normal, white fluroescent energy saver bulb to light one of my smaller tanks? Thanks
  8. Where did you get the suction cups from?
  9. Wow! Very nice. Any particular place you're getting instructions off? Would like to make one and need a step by step guide. Thanks
  10. Anyone have any second hand or cheap new fluro ballasts that they wouldn't mind selling? Or any tips on how to wire it all up? Cheers
  11. I'm already running one fluro on the tank, just a standard warm white tube. Should I get another and some of those plant specific tubes?
  12. The tank dimensions are 600mm long and 300mm high and wide. Would I need some sort of fan/cooling system? I thought that heaps of light is okay if you balance it with ferts and CO2?
  13. I was wanting to get metal halide lighting and I just need to know if there's a limit on how much power I should have? I was hoping to grow some plants with high light and CO2 needs and I've read heaps about metal halide. Is 150W too much for a 54 litre? Will it "fry" the plants? Also, how do I run it safely? Heaps of fans? Suspended? Etc... Thanks
  14. Oeminx? May I ask where you got your silica sand from?
  15. WOW! Big ups to you for keeping such as amazing fish
  16. Those japanese planted tanks are amazing, such clear water. Amazing.
  17. Is it possible to paint the inside of an aquarium and still be "fish friendly"? I've gota tank with a mirrored back and want to keep breeding Betta's in it.
  18. I don't know about smashed up tea cups but it's a creative idea! $40?! I could make a decent sized canister filter for less than that! Are you sure it wasn't $4.00? Or was it just some greedy little pet store that thinks they can get away with it just because they're the only ones around? Use a regular sponge, it's pretty much the same thing, just watch out for any odours or chemicals on it. I learnt that you don't need to buy media designed for your filter, if it fits, it works. Good luck
  19. Sounds like it should be good. When I had guppies, all the new born fry used to swim to the suface, only one or two would swim at midwater and none at the bottom.
  20. Hmm... Geckos.... I've been wanting to get my hands on an interesting pet for a while now. Thought about Beardies but they take up too much space. Any ideas on small (under 15cms) reptiles or unusual fish? I've already tried mice, guinea pigs, cats, fish, birds, etc. Need something that doesn't smell.
  21. Also, the shelves are only 290mm deep but I want to put a 300mm deep tank on it. Is this safe? If so, how could I make it safer? Add wood or other supports under it?
  22. My Bristlenose male is a big wuss. He will come out of his cave and charge around like a big bully but as soon as he sees me move, he's out of there. If a fish is hungry, it will eat, eventually. Give them time to settle in and get used to their new home. Good luck
  23. http://www.dwarfpuffers.com That's the link HFF gave me when I asked for info.
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