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Posts posted by SamH

  1. My Fighters "play dead". They dive bomb intot he plants and stay motionless for ages. Then I tap the glass and they shimmy and shoot out! Then they expect food. :roll: I also like putting a mirror up to them and see them flare.

    Oh, and my platy fry are quite possibly the stupidest fish ever. They don't see the food that's right in front of them until it hits them. :o

    I think it's cool how my big BN acts all macho like the boss of the tank but as soon as I walk up to the tank, he's the only fish that hides. :lol:

  2. I've just ordered some sheets of 2mm acrylic for fish tank lids and decided to get some for dividers too. I order three pieces to fit in my 45x25x25 (28L) tank. I'm thinking of dividing the tank into 3 or 4 equal partions and drilling holes in the acrylic for water flow. It'd be better if it was removeable but permanent is okay too.

    How could/should I attach these and how many partions should I have?

    Should I use suction cups? If so, where can I get them?


  3. Do you mean the Leopard Ctenopoma?

    I've heard they're predatory.

    They are carnivorous fish who love to stalk their prey, holding themselves completely vertical, bending their caudal fin to look "leaf like" before going in for a kill. Instantaneously before a kill, the Ctenopoma opens its mouth creating a cylinder type funnel and swallows the prey whole. Feedings should be various and should always include some sort of "live" food (frozen included). Favorites are feeder guppies, live/frozen brine shrimp, tubefex worms and mollusks.

    I put it in a community tank with some neon tetras, hatchets and glass cats. One day I noticed that my school of 8 neons had become 7. There were no remains in the tank and I thought that it was just another case of the disappearing fish syndrome. The next night my school was down to 6 and I realized then that my Ctenopoma must be eating them! So I stayed up late one night and watched and I noticed that he always went to a particular corner of the tank at night, put his body in a completely vertical position and waited for a sleeping neon to come by then chomp! Dinner. I was surprised that he was able to fit the whole fish in his mouth since my Ctenopoma is only about 7 cm long and the neons are about in 3 cm, but somehow he can. Once in awhile he will yawn and you can see how big his mouth can really get. In the end my school dwindled to zero but it's OK because I'd rather have my one Ctenopoma than a dozen neons.

    So I'd imagine they would probably attack Betta's fins, PK's might be okay.

    But then again, futher down the page it does say:

    You would think that this fish is aggressive, but it's actually fairly peaceful. It will lunge at the other fish once in a while when they comes near its cave, but never actually bites them. I think it's smart enough to know what can become dinner and what can't, so if you are going to have this fish, be sure to put similar sized tankmates with it.

    Good luck

  4. I went to Pet Pac today and they'd just run out of Furan :evil:

    They weren't getting any more until later this week so I got some Betta Fix Remidie in the mean time. Put him in a cut down soft drink bottle with exactly 500ml of water and some gravel and a plant. Put that inside his tank and added the Betta Fix.

    He's just sitting in the plant at the moment :(

  5. Sweet. I just moved the 8w T5 off the Nano and put on a cool daylight (I think) energy saver, looks heaps better and brighter.

    I'm looking at getting 3 or 4 fittings to put over the 3ft tank, where can I buy these cheaply?

    I know the Warehosue sells desk lamps for $10 but then I'd have to take it all apart.

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