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Posts posted by SamH

  1. I used carbon on my first tank for about 4 months. Replaced it every month. Decided not to and I've never looked back. All it does is mask deeper problems, if there's a bacterial bloom I'd like to see it. You can't beat the colours and behavious of Neons in a black water tank.

  2. Tried to score it, didn't work. Tried many times again with all the different techniques you could think of, didn't work.

    I'll either take it to a glass cutter or just order a tank.

    better still you can buy another piece of glass and make a proper tank :D

    I have 5 peices, Aquilam_11 just thought he saw 4.

  3. I bought a glass cutter tool from Bunnings, the meatl wheel kind. I dipped it in some cooking oil and ran it along a straight edge on a small piece of glass and tried to break it, that didn't work. So I tried to run it along several times and then tried to break it, didn't work. I tried to make a score but even that didn't work.

    What do I need to do exactly?

  4. I have a few spare sheets of glass from tank lids gone wrong and was wondering if I could stick them together and make another tank?

    The sizes are (in MM):

    1x 300x270

    1x 300x300

    1x 350x350

    1x 350x320

    1x 350x300


    How could I use these to the best of their advantage? Is cutting glass tricky?

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