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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Back on topic for a moment, would it be ok to use this tank for say 2 cichlid fish? if so what type, Krib's?? any other's..

    I have two Kribs in a 3ft tank, they may outgrow that. You may be able to get a Ram but I'd say a Fighter or some Tetra's would be better.

    Hi there everyone - we would like to be the sponsor of this competition? We would be keen to make it an AquaOne AR380 or AR126 - what sort of prizes would you like to see? (be reasonable guys!) Happy to ship if its products but not too keen on shipping live fish. Looking forward to your thoughts :D

    Vouchers are good, easy to ship. Depends how far the winner(s) is/are away from your shop though.

  2. I'd say start up a tank with heaps of thick plants like Polysperma etc. Let that grow wild and then the guppies would have a better chance of survival. Not so good if you want to breed selectively but if I get another tank, I was going to do a wild type guppy project.

    Feral Guppies would look wicked :lol:

  3. Not good. The rot has spread down to his body. He's acting normal and still eating but he's getting worse. I'm thinking it's time to put him out of it.

    I used to use the rapid emersion in boiling water technique and this killed the fish instantly but I've read that it's not okay. Can I add drops of alcohol until the fish dies or is there a better method? I don't have any clove oil.

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