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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Cool, I'm thinking of getting a Pantodon Butterfly but wondering if my 3 foot x 1 foot tank is big enough. Got some baby wagtail platies in ATM so need to grow them up.

    Is Kingston happy in there?

  2. Yeah, it should be fine on the short side, may create more water movement though.

    As long as there is no water or direct contact between the filter and light, it should be sweet as.

    I recommend getting an acrylic lid so it's easily cut to size and shape. Got mine off TM but look in plastic stores otherwise.


  3. :o

    Uh-oh. I smell an arguement...

    But P44 is right. Animates contributes far more heavily to the economy than most of the little shops combined. The fact is that less informed members of the public will shop there because it's easy and popular. You can choose where you'd like to shop, be it a little local LFS, that pet store down the street or the chain store in town. But in the end, it's up to you. If you want the best prices then shop around, but for many people, paying that little bit extra for the complete kit is often far easier.

  4. A pic that was taken a little while ago:


    Love the irredscence? 8)

    All fish have now been cleared of Whitespot, did a water change on Monday (I think) and another one today. Turned the temp down from 28 to 27. The red delta boy only flares at the lady next door but the other (above) flares more intensely at his mirror. Hoping to move the female to the 3 foot tank when I find another female (for the above fish). Anyone got any MG HM or HMPK females?

  5. Haha! :lol: Thanks Jennifer, this has been quite a fun thread so far.

    If the Glosso grows, I'll be stoked. I've currently got the lights at the very front of the tank. I figure the Hairgrass and Rotala doesn't need as much light and the Glosso should get as much as possible. Hoping to move the 4 young wagtail platies in tomorrow afternoon. :bounce:

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