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Everything posted by dreams

  1. If there is very little light getting to the lowerparts of the plant, it will rot. But the tops will continue to grow, sending roots into the substrate to hold its self down. It loves bright lights, mine mostly take in ferts from the water column. To keep it looking good all the time, you have to either trim off the bottoms and replant the tips every once in a while, or give it good trims each week - depending on how fast it grows
  2. I would atleast put another diffuser on the otherside to get better Co2 distribution. How many bubbles per second do you have it going at? you would need alot to saturate all the water in a 6 foot
  3. Thanks for all the knowledge and replys! I've tried the scraper - doesn't work, I suspect if I want it off, it will have to be Warrens method Keep me updated the-obstacle
  4. Hey guys, I have a tank with calcium deposits on the glass that i would like to remove, any ideas on how? I've tried vinegar to desolve it but it hasn't worked. Someone recomended sandpaper? But how fine and what grade should it be?
  5. Beautiful plant and flowers I think little plantlets will start growing on the stalks if you keep it... someone correct me if i'm wrong :oops:
  6. Hey guys, I'm looking for the smallest powerhead/internal filter possible for extra flow in my 100L. I've got some dead spots that I would like some gentle water movement for nutrient and Co2 distribution, so which ones do you guys use? got any links to the products? Thanks
  7. What kind of moss do you guys think they're using on the tree?
  8. Looking good It's good you got lots of fast growing plants in there, will help with algae issues. I've never used bamboo before, but you may need to watch out for the sap if it's not dried first.. Hopefully someone else who have used it will chime in
  9. depending on how big your fish tank is, it should last you atleast a year Yes more economical...but I'm a sucker for new shiny things and IF they last a decent amount of time, they will look good on my nano tank (36L)
  10. I reckon a crypt tank is easier to maintain. Low light = slower growth, less algae fluctuations etc But a glosso tank would look awesome will take more juggling of parameters to get it right though
  11. Wow that's alot of water (360litres/day)! Howcome you change so much each day? mate if u can afford that, then you can afford the 2mls of pmdd that gets washed out a day ( I use .5ml pmdd + .3ml leaf zone for extra potassium on 100l tank/day)
  12. +1 good plant growth and plant selection
  13. Whats your water change schedule henward?
  14. I'd up the water changes to atleast 30% Neons aren't the only tetras to get that disease, but I will say that they tend to get it easier IMO
  15. I think one month should be ok, but you really gotta make sure that your water parameters are always good, and keep up regular water changes, otherwise fish will get sick no matter what you do
  16. Reduce light amount or reduce the amount of time the lights are on
  17. The longer you wait, the safer you'll be really. If you treat with furan2, follow the instructions on it, will take around 1 week.
  18. I definitely think columnaris... I think your honey's will be ok, but it would be safer to treat them with furan2 anyway. Would be a good precaution to do the boiling water, otherwise let it dry? Or use something else to change water in the other tank, bucket, some kinda hose etc.
  19. +1 Its easier to grow red plants in shallow tanks
  20. You have to look at planted tanks in terms of proportion, Narrow tanks are harder to plant, but definitely not impossible. Usually the ratio that works out best is 2:1 or anywhere near that which is why I suggested those tank sizes. 60 x 30 x 30 is definitely in that ratio and will be fine for scaping. You got a large tank, you do big pieces of hardscape and plants, smaller tank then you scale down and so on etc.
  21. If you wanting the best plant growth, then you will almost always have to buy t5HO lighting, or Halides. Personally I would go 90 x 45 x 45 or 90 x 50 x 50 rimless, get some t5HO lights, canister filter, and you don't use hoods on rimless tanks
  22. If you want your tank to be over run with plants, maybe get some faster growing plants; Stargrass - delicated, so not sure if clown loaches will work Ambulia Indian fern For substrate ferts; Daltons aquatic mix - not sure if this will go well with your clown loaches Seachem Flourite Laterite otherwise use some watercolumn ferts; PMDD Flourish
  23. I believe bright lighting is best as is for most plants, but i think you can grow it well with T8's. They can get quite big if they're really healthy, otherwise you can keep them small by restricting the spread of their roots. They mainly take in nutrients through their roots so JBL balls are perfect for them.
  24. yeap, it is, will cost you more than the green lotus $24 - $40 depending on size and is harder to keep
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