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Everything posted by Fruju

  1. Fruju

    Catfish Video!

    whats the black one with white squiggles? how big does it grow? and how much?
  2. go easy on the smilies D, makes you seem a bit too ecstatic lol :lol: hyperactive alert!!!
  3. Good place, humble, but hard to find if your not familiar with the area, niiiice tortoises and lizards glass needed cleaning abit fish and reps were definately the highlights as well as the native birds, very cool tuis and moreporks. he had a suicidal goat that we dubbed 'silly billy' lol, it saw us, ran across the paddock jumped at the wooden fence bounced off slammed on top of the wire fence owning itself in the process before hitting the floor :lol: :lol: :lol: you should have some roast dinners mark, so many chickens maybe extend on the nz salt exhibits jardini was awesome, youre not about to get it D, i wouldnt want to sell it, didnt see panzer the catfish tho. Was tempted to buy a baby guinea pig, they were ultimate 8) 8)
  4. cheers mate, had a good time exploring.
  5. changed my mind on your fish gimme a buzz aye
  6. yeah but those senegals are in christchurch and they dont want to ship :evil: :evil:, may be interested in the clown knife but only if it has good spots, but would prefer it a bit larger.
  7. yeah, take the hobby slowly i guess, makes the obtaining of the fish more fun and of course you need to think of the fishes well being, lol i need a bigger tank :roll: I dont reckon your parents would let you get a 10ft tank a bit ridiculous :roll: bigger than a lot of public aquariums - some lol. Dont want the breeding pairs only the fry, leopard fish are going well unfortunately the catfish died for some unknown reason was gonna trade him for a clown knife. need to get more money before i buy more fish and a larger tank. well i got 3 hoplos, 1 del, 1 ctenopoma, 1 convict couldnt remember if i told ya. anyways just got back from opotiki, caught several hammerheads, 3 snapper, 1 kahawai, and stopped off at livingarts zoo. nice fish and nice reptiles toooooooo many chickens tho lol when i go to uni i will move downstairs and focus on doing an nz marine i think, so much better than tropicals, get me a dogfish and snapper etc = looks awesome. GREAT WORK LIVINGART! hope it goes well this year (good guy). I may try to get a green also in the next year or too, but not until i have a suitable tank and enuf cash :-?
  8. good choice D, better not to sell soloman, hes cool and you haventhad him that long + you prob dont want to invest serious cash ina green aro at this stage, get some more experience bro, Ive been at it for about 4-5 years (and yes im not claiming to be a know itall but i have mistakes all the time) whereas you have don it for a few months andshould it die your parents may cut back the number of fish you will be able to get :roll: lol, just collect dats for now man, and if you get a small green remember what happened to your small one, yud haveto change tank stock a bit, my dats didnt like my silver but it may be dif in your case. But awesome to see you planning for one lol
  9. Try some puffers they'd look good and are fun to watch, if you can get some maybe some scarlet badis, or maybe some sparkling gouramis they look good although every time ive kept gouramis they have destroyed each other and then died themselves (dwarfs only).
  10. heres a better pic of him , in the photo above hes on the bottom left hand side, but yeah blending in
  11. Whoops posted two of the same pic, will put up a better one of del :roll:
  12. hoplo again new small tank look, wood leached too many tannins and turned water into urine new del
  13. Well, heres some poor pics lol... New tank layout on right side + 4 stripe dat One of the hoplos Big ctenopoma 20cm Both ctenopomas smaller one about 10cm, but couldnt get a pic of my newest one
  14. True! i guess i have one male and two females, the male has a blue sheen on his fins too, but atm there is no aggression. I hope the delhezis fins grow larger, compared to my larger ones the proportion is a lot smaller, hard to get a photo with shoddy camera tho :roll: if they do grow larger he will be one of my favs for sure. will post pics today
  15. I have one which has orange/red on pecs, and has the tail extension, the other 2 i guess are females? on another note has anyone kept bichirs with really small pectoral fins? Have they grown back? I dont know if its a genetic fault or not?
  16. How do you sex hoplos? I have 3 and one has a strange fin extension
  17. Picked up 3 large hoplo catfish, free convict cichlid, 1 delhezi bichir and another leopard ctenopoma Will hopefully post pics tonight. Also, one question; the bichir appears to have REALLY small pectoral fins for its size, 1 is bigger than the other but they do not seem to have been bitten coz their not ripped up :-? any ideas? will they grow bigger as he ages more and become closer to the proper scale? But he has really nice stripes although morcs did drop him several times :roll: he did break a dorsal spine lol, but hes ok. The port hoplos are so active, they swim so much, highly reccomend them.
  18. Fruju

    New tank pics

    Thanks, just grabbed all the wood out of the garden. Unfortunately zdoda, all of the kribs and all of the tetras died last night in my dads tank coz the heater carked it and made a spa was sooo hot only survivors was the male cockatoo, angels, GAE,albino sharks. only have a few kribs in my small tank now and the female cockatoo. Not a happy morning
  19. Fruju

    New tank pics

    Some more of my little tank!! lookin good i reckon, gonna add maybe a couple of cats to this small one.
  20. Fruju

    New tank pics

    Here are some pics of my tanks, picked up heaps of great stuff from Zdoda (shaun), great guy, spread out the 'numerous' stock :lol: throughout 2 tanks, well here they are. Here is my dads tank where most fish went: 50+ kribs, mumma/daddy kribs, glowlights, lemon tips, cockatoo cichlid, and various plants. Mum/dad protecting fry Full tank shot my larger tank New tiger lotus looks great!
  21. Hey this is awesome guys, always great when we can increase the stock availability
  22. Thanks guys, if you could find a red whiptail id appreciate it, i havent seen any for sale in the stores.
  23. Fish looks so much better in person, heaps of red and yellow, caudal fin looks like flames. I was also wondering if anyone knew the prices of the red whiptail catfish, or if someone has them for sale? went to the HFF albany, they still have about 3 or 4 males
  24. Go this guy today, unfortunately they did not have any females so i will probably breed with a normal one to develop a yellow/orange strain. I also redecorated the tank, needs a black background, more moss and some ferns, may also add rocket pencils and perhaps dwarf puffers. Any opinions?
  25. What species of whiptail is that?
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