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Everything posted by Fruju

  1. yeah bro, best one ive seen here, overseas they have ones with 20+ spots but im happy with this guy
  2. Fruju

    Scarlet pleco

    pics pics pics pics...
  3. sweet, should i come into possesion of any i will use those tactics, cheers phoenix
  4. Im just mulling over how to keep eggs from going fungusy, do you have to have an airstone if without the parents, or is there some other methods im unaware of that help with creating water movement etc.
  5. Daaammmnnn! those look so sweet, do you do any like special lighting or background colour to enhance the photography?
  6. Fruju

    Scarlet pleco

    I had the impression that quite a few were sold here last year, and since this is the primary site for fish keepers surely someone has them??
  7. Got some new fish, Red headed severum and geo went into my dads tank, geo is the most aggressive one ive seen, and the sev is sooo red, photo doesnt do it justice. couldnt get a photo of the other fella also got 2 clown knives, one off morcs which has 6 spots, and the other i got yesterday and has 13 spots on one side, and 11 on the other :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: gonna look sweet when hes massive. Leaving them to henward to grow out a bit 8) 8)
  8. Fruju

    Scarlet pleco

    yeah, like 45cm+ ive heard, ok so that much eh, henward HAD one lol, not anymore, not sure what you mean about the name calling, 'hey stinky!' lol, are there 2 types?
  9. Fruju

    Scarlet pleco

    I was talking to hollywood staff yesterday about fancy plecs, im particularly interested in scarlet plecos due to their size and colour, would someone be able to post pics of theirs and maybe some experience. Cheers, and am i right to believe that they cost upwards of $150?
  10. So do you have 2 4fts now? your fish will be fine together, the leopard ctenopoma will cope fine, i've got my small one (6cm) with my 15cm dat, 20cm ornate, 2 senegals and 3 hoplos, not to mention the other 2 ctenopoma in the tank - NO ONE picks on him. Problems with ctenopoma is that my ones dont want to take pellets much, prefer bloodworms, so if possible feed ONLY pellets = much easier.
  11. im gonna end this stupid arguement over 'possiblities' right now, nothing is for sure, they havent come in before and could be some time before anything happens, and if they do come in they will be small so you cant put it in with your other large fish, you can only buy one coz there will be demand and they are too aggressive to be kept in groups (although some have succeeded in large groups which you wont be able to do), other people who want the fish too wont be able to hold your one coz of the agrression with their own one AAANNNNDDD.... morcs likes me more so there lol, dont ya morcs? not gonna reply to anything on this thread now.
  12. yeah, IF they come in D, and im behind morcs in 2nd place lol, that makes you a good old 3rd
  13. Fruju

    Lancelota camo

    $130 each and they were about 15cm each one x2 males, werent clowns so will trust A.prophs judgement
  14. your juevenilism (if thats a word) doesnt work here 8) 8) , big boys first lol.
  15. Fruju

    Lancelota camo

    Yep their sold now, but someone else brought in 2 males of same specie and are around 12-15cm @ $130, look really cool.
  16. Fruju

    Lancelota camo

    Hollywood has some vermiculated synos if your interested, they look pretty cool, and pretty peckoltia and just got in some peru striped panaque - this one i dont know, looks kinda black with straight white bands.
  17. lol, D, i was asking for them before you knew about them :lol:
  18. hey man, me too, i asked first!!! no.1!!
  19. What you calling me 'uneducated'?!!!! :evil: :-? :lol: :lol: :lol: yeah, it confuses me sometimes. haha, lol coming from you D thats great! :lol: :lol:
  20. ahmen phoenix, declan im going to peer pressure you now... or should i blackmail you hmmmm lol 8) :-?
  21. dont expect them to colour up fast, a lot of it depends on their tank mates, how long the've been in there, what your feeding and whether you have enough hiding spots... is this d or trav, you guys have got to make 2 different accounts :roll: who bought the 4ft with dats? I assume off morcs
  22. cheers for the clown knife pete, hes awesome, want him to get massive. yeah, still wanting henwards dels....................... drool.
  23. I would come down and give you a hand, just a bit far to go and what with petrol costs... and could only be in the holidays, aaannnd accomodation is an issue i spose.
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