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Everything posted by monaro1

  1. the way i run mine is 2ft 20 watts 3ft 30 watts 4ft 40 watts not sure but when you go to buy them thats the way thay come
  2. welcome when the 5ft is up and running,make sure that you keep your eyes out for the 6ft and so on. it always starts with one then 2 then 3 then 10 and so on. we all have the same problem, where to put the new tank. who needs the tv where up north QLD i am still a maroon,no mater where i live. go queensland
  3. monaro1


    ok, now we got your attention have any of you got any CICHLIDS that you know or even think that no one else has in NZ. this is for MAF if you dont want to go to any trouble to fill the form in then PM me and i will come over and take the photo and do the form.all ineed you to do is sign as the owner.(no address required on form) We want to keep what we got, hopefully get some more please help just a littel bit
  4. need page # and so on for midas; amphilophus citrinellum jack dempsey; cichlasoma octofasciatus chocolate; nypselecara temporalis uara; uara amphiacanthoides leporinus; leporinus fasciatus red head; vieja synspila and what is the books name that these # come from
  5. i have the sheet and i will get the photos printed of jags red devil jack dempsey uara banded laproneus red head chocolate severum, green and gold and red head midas if any one has done or doing these fish let me know as it will save money on printing i might need some help finding there scientific names
  6. ok big latin words and me dont mix if i can help with photos of my fish or any thing else let me know my cichlids common names jags; (M & F) severem; green & gold (M & F) red head (F?) midas (M) jack dempcey (M & F) chocolate (M & F) banded lapronus (?) red devil (M) uara (M?) sorry about the spelling,i carnt spell english words let alone latin. not sure if this is any help. we want more CICHLIDS i want dovii
  7. not all wood sinks, i have a old jetty pillon that was totaly sunk for most of its life.when it broke off it floated straight to the top.its been in my tank for 2 years now and it still floats without being held down. looks to good not to have it
  8. monaro1

    up over

    welcome zallyn would like to see some photos of your fish. i hear that you can have any fish up there. we get next to nothing down here. c u on the forum
  9. not at his best until we meet again in time
  10. RIP BUTT butt past away last night. stupid fish :evil: it was his fault for going crazy.
  11. cichlid tank red head midas chocolate jack fire eel
  12. mum; dad KM how many would you like (200)haha she did and is still doing a great job thay look like the squides of the matrix swaming around
  13. anyone that wants a few thay are more than welcome to them. HOMES ONLY if you want fish food you are more than welcome to bring your fish here for dinner. if thay get past mum and dad thay are in for a good feed. my moneys on the jags. he draws blood(from me) jags free to a good home
  14. hope this works dad absolutly flips out if anything moves within 2ft of the tank. feeding time i got wet.he wants to kill any thing that moves.his attacks have become painfull. COOL though 8)
  15. make them lots of homes with a flat rock out the front, then leave them alone.water change once a week
  16. WOW!!!!!!! need to sit down with you over a beer, rum, bourbon,or what ever poison you like, my shout,would like to pick your brains. would love to have a chat(and a drink)i work with stone and porcerlin,can carve them,never done clay but if the two went together it opens up a new area to play in.
  17. that is a nice setup, i seen less plumbing on an olympic swimming pool. that whole thing must of cost him moonbeams. is that mutch stuff required to have a salty tank? if so i will stop now.
  18. hi klaymann what type of clay do you use,is it plain modeling clay. i have a new tank 2400 x 800.this tank will have large cichlids so i would like to make a roman ruin city with big coliseum(carnt spell it) or the city of atlantis. with a base this big shouldnt be that hard.only time.im in no rush. what is the best thing to make the frame out of.have always used chicken wire but thay have never been in a tank, the wire would rust. wouldnt it
  19. as i said engine exhaust,not the polution that comes out of the things thay brand with a blue badge so everyone knows how to spell shit and what it looks like. if water flows the same, then when you change the internal diameter of a pipe without a smoth change you create turberlance witch inturn makes your pipe smaller.this is why plumbers ream out all pipes befour joining.have a look at the way a pvc pipe joiner works. turberlance dose cause weak spots but only become a problem in many many years to come. as a rule sudden changes in internal diameter in any pipe work is a no no
  20. ok,i have a question, dose water flow through a pipe the same way gas would.eg,engine exhaust.
  21. COOL,will have to come and check out the art work sometime(and fish),i have 1 or 2 myself, all done by steve at ballistic.have 2 orcas from knee to the top of the butt
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