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Everything posted by monaro1

  1. thatn is looking cool 8)
  2. i dont know about carrying the gene but my green and gold are trying to breed all the time, i am thinking of setting up a tank for them over christmas and see what comes out of it
  3. monaro1


    slash my gourami lost his eye about 6/8 months ago
  4. well done nice looking fish,
  5. monaro1

    black shark

    yes i have two in my community tank, thay are about 120mm long now and i have had them about 4/5 months. thay are nice and peaceful and go around cleaning the bottom of the tank. been told that thay fade as thay get older cool fish
  6. my tanks are not dirty eather and my pleco makes a mess as well when there is wood in the tank, take the wood out and there is not so mutch mess or if you over feed the tank
  7. monaro1


    just keep all conditions in good order, oscars that dont eat, never seen that before,thay may take a few days to settel in.i have a gourami that had the eye pop out complety,he is still alive, good luck
  8. tetras and clowns are very placid if you get a chance get more clowns,when i had 3 you would see them a little bit, now that i have 9 you see them playing all over the tank
  9. you can buy silica sand at placemakers/stevensons about $9 a 25kg bag
  10. monaro1


    hi and welcome good to see someone from the states on a kiwi forum. would love to live there as you can get more fish than us. and cheaper hot rod parts,my other passion
  11. are the fry free swimming when thay go missing or do thay still have there egg sack. if free swimming thay will need food. try some flake ground up with a morter and pezel some cichlids will eat there own young if there is any chance that thay will not survive.
  12. nickboi you seem to be more upset than mickey is over this subject, IMO you just like to pick fights
  13. dont worry about things that are said by others you dont know if thay have had a bad day and are in a bad mood you just keep posting and someone will always answer
  14. cichlid tank is a fresh water tank,the only thing you need is maby a heater guard when thay get bigger, a brackish tank is just as easy,just add salt(sea salt NOT TABEL SALT) i would work out what type of fish you want then decide what type of tank i started brackish so i could have ARCHERS but i love my big cichlids the choice is yours good luck
  15. welcome sounds like you are going to need a few more tanks. lots of babies coming
  16. welcome rory working on that ,dose that mean that you are getting another tank.MTS is on its way to another victem
  17. sounds like your on your way to a nice tank.you would be able to get a lot more fish than we can. if you like clown loach get quite a few,i had 3 and thay hid most of the time,got another 6 and thay are all out and about all over the tank now,thay look cool
  18. as caryl said chilybins,work very well for me,when a fish is in the dark thay seem to calm down.i would take a heater with me if you are going to stop,easy to pop it in a chilybin. water change with water the same temp in the morning,
  19. try working your way through the wet and dry sandpaper range, 200, 400, 800, 1500,then cut and polish. always use wet
  20. drop the water level down and silacone them to the glass,leave it a few days to dry(get the right stuff)
  21. for a 150 tank a 150watt is good,normally 1 watt 1 lt if you have large tanks you need more than 1 heater
  22. cool site sign up takes a little while if you have a few tanks,but keen to see what other people from around the world think has anyone else put there tanks up yet
  23. welcome james must be jansens if you live local to work,patrics shop has only been there two years or is there one we dont know about. good to see you here
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