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Everything posted by FreedingFrenzy

  1. i have actually googled it - a lot.. i still cant tell.. im a bit of a noob... and yeah.. i wouldnt be asking you guys if i could figure it out myself
  2. Lol, youre watching it too? It's pretty damn weird...
  3. If only they had thought of that before introducing the cane toad into aussie huh? Haha
  4. I finally have pictures of... it: (they're the same fish btw) And how do you tell? Thanks
  5. How are we supposed to test this? Chuck a few in the wild and see if they survive? and if they dont then import more over? and if they do survive... ? blame the government? but yeah i agree charlie lol
  6. As it says, few are killed AND nowhere near as many that would be killed from the possums and stoats. Take your pick. Get rid of pests that kill NZ native flora and fauna or kill a few birdies for the greater good
  7. LOL I hope you meant that as a joke! Using a harness on a dog only increases their pull force and power.. Meaning he will no doubt pull pull the chain out of the ground and have a full run at things
  8. Hans - thats exactly why they're not being introduced, too hard to control, way too hard to trust people . . . when we all know there are idiots out there!
  9. Just thought I'd also add, thats why we use it here... Just be thankful the possums they introduced weren't from WA because there are plants there that those little buggers feast off that have 1080 in them... so if they were the possums that we had here.. we would be no closer to culling them off
  10. Nope. The poison 1080 seriously does not hurt birds. There have been studies done, and to my knowledge only one weka died as a result of1080. Mammals are far more susceptible to 1080 than birds (and fish- yes studies have been done) - hence why dogs and deer have SUCH a high bykill and secondary kill, although this is no concern to DoC because they are not endemic species. I'm not sure if I'm wording this right because it's been awhile, but 1080 only stays in the environment for normally around 24 hours and then it decomposes (- thats the word im not sure is appropriate). But really, all the media hype about it killing our native species is BOLLOCKS!
  11. AND also BK with regards to the parrots and such not being allowed in is because New Zealand has such an expansive array of different plants and trees here, if we were to have these parrots imported, and then illegally released into the wild, our native birds would once again in a competition for food. Not to mention we don't know if they would get along with our native birds. It is just common sense, so don't try and say "give us facts" there are facts, DO research before you make these accusations
  12. As I just did an assignment on this, SERIOUSLY, 1080 does not kill kea. 1080 is more likely to kill humans than kea, so please get your facts straight before you make this kind of judgement call
  13. Normally it is advised to use Wunder Tonic for the first week to control the disease initially then change to Melafix. . .
  14. He seems to be back to normal this morning...
  15. He could have gotten stuck inbetween the log and the gravel... or my rainbow shark seems to be getting a bit grumpy lately so he could have done some damage... What could cause bloat?
  16. I noticed yesterday that my siamese fighter was getting a swollen stomach and it was discolouring from his normal gold/yellow to a black colour.. What could this be? Help! Here's a picture, sorry its not very good quality, its off my phone:
  17. I suppose I do live next to a small bush area... I just find it kinda weird
  18. Well, its almost 2. But I'm sure its not natural... Anyone know why they come out during the day?
  19. Yeah, I was thinking about doing it for a bit of live food for my fish... lol
  20. Swordtails are meant to be the fastest tropical fish.
  21. Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!
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