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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira


    Activated carbon will clear it up if you're worried about it.
  2. Clown loaches get over a foot. But most don't survive that long because it takes a decade or so.
  3. Ira


    Or just put it into your tank as it is. Many fish like a bit of tannin in the water and it's basically harmless. I kinda like the look.
  4. Ira

    eyeless peppered

    That's why I'm thinking more of a disease than just him having BOTH eyes eaten. If you didn't notice them missing, are you sure you'd have noticed them bulging?
  5. Ira

    eyeless peppered

    Might not have been a fish eating his eyes. Sometimes fish get really bad cases of popeye that essentially blow their eyeballs out.
  6. Ira

    eyeless peppered

    He's obviously been ok long enough for them to heal. Pretty good bet he'll stay ok.
  7. *Plugs diagnostic tool into Reef's ear* Ah, I see the problem, your humor detector is faulty. That'll be $250 for the diagnostic, please. :lol:
  8. He probably wouldn't have caused any problems at all with your plants. Mine at least is very calm most of the time and even when I'm lucky enough to see him out he's calmly gliding around.
  9. Ira


    Ok, then what markings do leopard danios have?
  10. Vodka is a known, though not widely used, reef tank additive.
  11. I probably would have taken it too. I love catfish.
  12. Ira


    That's why I said, Zebra danios with stripes.
  13. Seriously though, they'll eat practically anything. Mine does anyway. Just races around the tank hoovering up whatever food he runs near. Angel fry might get eaten, but after a month or two they'd be far too big for the Pictus to eat. Neons and things wouldn't be hard for them full grown though. Imagine trying to swallow a small plate compared to a sausage.
  14. Ira


    Or do you mean Zebra danios with stripes instead of spots?
  15. Ira

    Yummy live food

    Nope, no holes, no changes of the dirt. Just seems to be standard topsoil.
  16. Nope, pictus cats have no personality at all. Horrible horrible fish, pet shops won't take them back so don't even bother trying. Only thing you can do is sell them to me. I'll give you $5 each.
  17. Ira

    filter output?

    Nope, won't cause any problems, IMO you're better having it wide open and pointing it against the glass or similar to reduce the current, otherwise you're just wasting.
  18. Planning to breed live food for the killies? Want some pearl gouramis?
  19. I had a look at it a week or two, very nice looking guy. I also asked them about them losing a few fish in their big tank. They said basically, NO we didn't lose any, a bunch of them went up to Auckland though.
  20. Sharp substrate is generally pretty bad. But, could be doable as long as you don't have any bottom feeders. Finer substrate almost always looks better though.
  21. Something like the red duckweed type stuff on ponds, maybe? I think that's a native.
  22. Ira

    what should i get?

    You're my hero Kim!
  23. Why not just post the link?
  24. Using the dremel method you can drill a full tank, just takes time, patience and a bit of guts.
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