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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ugh...Wish I hadn't looked, now I'm a little bit nauseous.
  2. Make sure you have the hoses connected the right way...I spent half an hour today trying to get my canister running again. Siphoning through it into a bucket a couple times, trying to figure out why it kept losing its siphon, rechecking that I had the hoses all connected right, why it seemed to be running backwards when it almost ran right... *Facepalm*
  3. Just plain and chili with it... Hopefully...Last attempt at making cornbread was a complete failure. Apparently cornflour and cornflour are not the same thing...
  4. Hot cross buns, bah...I'm making chili and cornbread tonight.
  5. Obviously "Look up" was a bit too cryptic for some. :lol:
  6. I don't think you have room to add anything to it.
  7. How can you call it a man eating catfish? Has a catfish ever eaten a man? I'm sure a few have nibbled at corpses, but I doubt one has ever actually killed and eaten one on its own.
  8. Probably...What's the post intercooler air temp?
  9. Yeah, as long as you're still putting it on on some eps you'll be fine.
  10. That's a funny looking cat...
  11. You can't oversize it...Not within reasonable way anyway. 20ish mm is good.
  12. It doesn't regulate it. You do not want it to regulate the water leaving the tank. It just removes everything you pump up from the sump. That's why they're called overflows. It's a bit easier to see how it works with an in tank one. When the pump is off the water is at the edge of overflowing down the pipe into the sump. You turn the pump on it increases the height of the water in the tank and it overflows down the pipe. It's all regulated by the return pump.
  13. What balance? Ancient lights, no fertilisers, no co2, irregular water changes...All are the secret to no algae.
  14. My tanks both are on 12-13 hours. No green dot algae on the glass, no hair algae, no cyano. Only algae is a bit in little cracks and crevices of rocks. I haven't even scrubbed the glass in either one in probably 2-3 years.
  15. Humans aren't carriers but it can survive on your skin and on contaminated surfaces for a while. I vaguely remember hearing that contaminated surfaces can still infect birds for up to 2 years?
  16. There isn't really any treatment other than just trying to keep the bird otherwise healthy and hope they manage to fight it off on their own or don't show symptoms. I think it's like a lot of viruses, you can be healthy until some kind of stress weakens your immune system then it hits you. Kinda like herpes if it made you get a horribly deformed face and all your skin fall off...
  17. Dunk it in a glass of water full of blue food coloring. Then you can paint designs on its shell. It is almost Easter...
  18. There's no confinement involved. To begin with, bristlenoses don't really have gill plates that need to expand to let water pass.
  19. Yup, big female bristlenose.
  20. Stuck on my head. Halp! I know, horrible picture, but I didn't have much time to set up good picture. I don't know how long she'd been swimming around with it stuck on her head running into things, we just got home to find her like this...Of course I ran to get the camera first. She freed herself just after I took the picture. It's a small disposable container that fell into the tank a while ago and I hadn't bothered to get it out because I couldn't reach it.
  21. My name is Arachnid Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
  22. Also what some people have done is put a small nipple at the top of the U and run it to a powerhead with a venturi inside the tank. The venturi will then suck a tiny bit of water out of the U constantly, not enough to matter though. But if air starts to collect in it then the air just gets sucked out. Might even be enough to start the siphon on its own, given time.
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