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Everything posted by Simian

  1. Congrats Shannon & Richard Look forward to seeing your new addittion
  2. Hi all, just a quick reminder, club night Wednesday 7.00pm 7 Forth Crescent Hamilton The sales table will be open for business, with a synodintis catfish, African Cichlids and more up for sale. We will also be having our first Table Show since I have been a member. Bring your favorite small fish and we will have a small competition and Dave can go over how fish shows are judged. We will supply the tanks, and heating pads to keep your pets warm and cosy. The club trip to Rotorua is confirmed for 18th July. We will be organising a mini bus which will be subsidised by the club. $5 a head will secure your place, first in first served. We will be visiting Wonderworld, having a picnic lunch (bring your own) and visiting the Luge for those that way inclined. We wil be after definate numbers on Wednesday so check your diaries. See you there Owen & Roch
  3. I successfully kept Cardinals with Sev's for 6 months, then one weekend away I lost 20+ cardinals. Sevs & Cardinals do not work!
  4. Relax bro she means me..I cant help it if I'm pretty 8) :lol:
  5. Hey! I resemble that remark! :lol: Actually I tend to be partial to all pretty ladies...you just dont notice because you bring your man with you....and I'm afraid of your pointy stick :-?
  6. Note that there is very little bacteria in the water, it helps, but for best results use the same substrate and plants/ornaments
  7. That works well with some types Caryl, others like to eat the eggs and you will get hardly any. Condition them on Bloodworms and give em a cold water change (tonight would be good) and wait for the next batch of bad weather to come thru. Chuck a handful of oak leaves in the tank, this will soften the water and give them a good place to hide and spawn on. Once they spawn either remove the parents or gently roll the eggs off the glass on to your finger good aeration is a must. meth blue helps stop infertile eggs (the white ones) fungusing, but I prefer to remove them with tweezers. Once the wrigglers have absorbed thier egg sac feed on microworms or decap brine shrimp. Keep the water clean and you will end up with a primo group of cats. Good luck, I havent done Pandas yet but they are on my list once my latest ones are big enough. I will be doing an article on breeding cories for the next Aquarium World
  8. Simian

    cherry barbs

    The males are definately a great brick red colour, where as the females are very bland in comparison more a brown/orange with much more black pattening.
  9. Thankyou so much Totally Tanked! Your hospitality was flawless and I had a fantastic time! It was so great meeting more of the mainlanders, and firming up friendships. Bay of Plenty have a hard act to follow. The AGM was quick and painless and we have some great ideas. We need feedback about the Federations direction from all members your delegates will have lots to talk about when they get back, lets keep the momentum going boys and girls, 2010 will be the year for action. All you non members will be missing out, you will soon see there is more to us than the forum. See you all Tauranga 2011 8) Owen
  10. Sweet we have a whole extra year Oh is there a pickup for Richard and me? we fly in tomorrow at 5.50 pm
  11. Really? I was under the impression that 2011 was Waikato!, now I'm confuzzeled. I seem to remember this was arranged last AGM? after Dave put us forward in 2009. Can someone please confirm this? So we can stop planning, before we get too far into it. Fortunately we are still just kicking around ideas at this time and havent made any bookings.
  12. The infertile ones will turn white very quickly. Pick them out with tweezers. Gently roll the eggs up the glass until they stick 2 your finger (dont worry they are actually quite tough) Then roll them on to teh side of a floating plastic container, flush with fresh tank water 2x daily min, remove any white eggs with tweezers, alternatively you can add a few drops of meth blue, but IMO tweezers are better. Wrigglers at 3-5 days once egg sacs absorbed (2-3days) feed microworms, flush with tank water as often as you can, rub off any muck from bottom of container with a small paint brush before you flush. They are fine like that for quite a while. Good luck Owen
  13. I suppose you want a breeding pair now too :roll: They are defineately sexable thats for sure, you should see the boys ginger wiskers, like fat little Scotts :lol:
  14. Thats one of the Secrets...SHHHH 8) They are lazy feeders you gotta cram the babies in a small area or they starve. Plastic 1.5l bottles are perfect. raise em in the parents tank too.
  15. Haha Snap Bro! Told ya theyd breed. NZ Bred FTW! P44 Look on PT&E
  16. Whats the point in visiting a new city if you cant get lost while looking for bars! I'm sure we'd meet loads of new and interesting people. :bounce:
  17. I had a tiny puffer once and he'd pig out on micro worms
  18. Thanks Guys KP you're on! If Grant could grab it that would be great. And KP if you can be patient I'll make sure you get a healthy (and hopefully randy) group of NZ bred ones to keep the top of the South supplied. I hope you are gonna come along to the conference Nav, I would like to meet you.
  19. I'm not sure how other people got on with their Adolfoi's from the last shipment but mine are spawning regularly, I have a few 1cm fry. Of the 5 I bought I have 4 that survived the settling in period. The issue I am having is the very small # of fertile eggs I get from each spawn and once you eliminate the weak and sickly or simply those that dont hatch fully, its gonna take a very long time for me to get a good sized breeding group going at this rate. As most of you know I want to get these fish established in NZ again, I will pay full retail prices for mature fish. If you have some that aren't breeding please consider selling them to me so I can expand my colony and get some decent numbers back into the market. If you know anyone who only has 1 or 2 of them let them know about my offer, its such a waste to have them split up all over the place. many thanks Owen
  20. Hi all Just a quick reminder we are having club night at my place this week 7 Forth Cres Glenview Hamilton 7.00 pm. * This week Richard is running a short workshop on glass cutting, so its a good way to get hands on help from an expert. * We will present the trophies from the tank crawl, hopefully they will be ready (we are still missing the Junior trophy so if anyone has Tim & Bens contact details please let me know) * Stefan will have an updated library list * We will hear what Dave and Helen have been working on for the pet Expo in July * Dave should be able to give us a rundown on our financial position * Any nominations for Federation Executive positions will be discussed so Rochelle can forward them to Caryl before the AGM * Please have your advertising suggestion (along with contact details) so Rochelle can get in contact with them. The Sales table is being revived this year, so far we have the following: Fish Blue Rams Corydoras Trilineatus Swordtails Clown Plecos (panaque Maccus) Yellow Tailed Congo Tetras Siamese Algae eater Red Hump Geophagus (breeding Group 2m + 1F) Red Jewel Cichlid Brown Bristlenose Brichardi Plants Corkscrew Val Windilov Java fern Riccia Flutans Amazon Swords Misc 40 hr Heat packs New Life Spectrum Fish food Please bring your own bags and containers, I dont have enough to go around(in fact I'm all out) If you have anything to contribute bring it along, the club only takes a small 5% fee which goes towards stuff like trips end of year function etc etc. Remember!!!!This years subs are due now. See You Then Owen
  21. Waikato Pres Owen Lingard VP Shannon Lawton Secr Rochelle Lingard Treasurer Dave Dalziel Breeding Co ordinator Helen Gollop
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