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Everything posted by vindy500

  1. how long till youre gonna have females for sale
  2. alot of the bad advice given from people at animates stems from them being told things from individual fish keepers, right or wrong...
  3. rozski, do you have females?
  4. no issues at all between siamese and guppies, added a golden rainbow shark today, have tried blue rams before, they lasted 5 days
  5. currently have 4 platies (+babes), 3 guppies(+babes) 2 dwarf gouramis 1 honey gourami 1 female fighter 6 assorted danios and 3 bristlenoses in a 130l tank, what do you guys reckon would be a good next fish?
  6. vindy500

    ph issue

    thanks, tap water is also high, although it didnt use to be about 2 months ago... shouldnt my peat drop it though?
  7. vindy500

    ph issue

    My ph levels are reading around 7.6, this is as high as my test kit goes so who knows if thats where it actually is, my substrate is daltons aquatic mix and then stones whch the packet said was suitable for aquariums which i got from bunnings down the same isle as the mix, ive poured malt vinegar over these and over the rocks i have in my tank and no reaction... i have a couple of bits of driftwood and even have a a stocking with 250g of peat in the trickle filter, any ideas?
  8. the tank is a ar620t, basically a 2 foot cube at the front and one foot deep, having 12 (minimum number?) of those guys would be too much no?
  9. vindy500


    where did you get it from
  10. i was thinking electric yellows and something else which will fit?
  11. 50x25cm 30cm high, its a waterhome 10, the canopy only has room for the one bulb
  12. umm just a Aqua glo 18" 15W t-8 18000k at teh mo, its what came in the hood
  13. want to heavily plant it, what plants are reccomended?
  14. really want to do these, bu cant find any to breed lol
  15. pretty standard for a stock item that can easily become bad stock
  16. i have no problem breeding platies (similar to swords) simply by putting java moss in the community tank, no need for breeding traps ect
  17. could a mini heater be put in this type of thing for a nano tank, thinking mini sump
  18. regards the bn, have you got wood in your tank?
  19. where do you find these kind of fish? ive never seen one
  20. hey guys, new to this site and te whole fish thing, current tank is a AR620t with guppies platies bristlenoses dwarf gourami glowlights and danios. Does anyone know why wet pets say palmy water is not suitable for fish tanks?
  21. im more looking at one that will just make some bubbles through a airstone rather than a huge behemoth
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