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Everything posted by vindy500

  1. nah... they didnt... i dont think i had the right food for them lol
  2. he then did the same thing to the little angel fish in the tank, they seem sweet now tho, i nthe tank is 2x spotted danios gourami and angel oh and a bn, i got the fighter from hutt pets
  3. i just got a male fighter, lovely looking CT thing, put him in the same tank as a dwarf gourami, they seem to be facing off, fighter is flaring, gills right out and everything, gourami headbutts him a couple of times they swim off and settle for a while, is this ok or should i move the gourami?
  4. thank goodness he turned out alright in the end
  5. just picked up a 350d for 600 on trade me
  6. you went to animates didnt you
  7. i have mine on my lights timer
  8. vista is great if you the machine to run it
  9. would kuhli loachs work to stir sand seeing as they like to burrow?
  10. anyone know where to get keyholes round wellington?
  11. that pic is from aqua ones website, ive been having a ammonia spike teh last few days, but i think i can attribute that to the fact that i just noticed my filter wasnt going... darn java moss
  12. siamese fighter is a female.... also angel is still pretty small, about the size of a 50cm piece
  13. ive got a fair few, 3x bristlenose silver shark (i know but hes little) flying fox siamese fighter dwarf gourami 6 danios 6 cherry barbs 11 neons 6 glowlights 6 black neons 3 swordtails 4 platys 2 guppys 1 angel fish
  14. i would hope you can get more, otherwise my ar620t is hugely overstocked
  15. yeah same tank, i dnt think there poo is stringy.... its just this one who looks skinny....
  16. You could integrate a automatic fish feeder
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