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Everything posted by vindy500

  1. sucess! i have baby cherry barbs, how do i feed these guys, i dont have any fancy fry food nor do i really want to buy it... can they eat flake if i crush it up real nice?
  2. its a small bn (one i got off you ryan)
  3. cherry barbs atm, well gonna give it a go, im pretty sure the bn wont breed, unless they are a-sexual:)
  4. if i wanted a bristlenose in my breeding tank to keep it nice and clean could i have one? or would it eat eggs/fry?
  5. yep, look like baby fish alright
  6. *thinks back to weird law thread* isnt it illegal to get a fish drunk
  7. could my albino rainbow shark be killing my fish, so far lost a neon and a female guppy
  8. the way he ate it, i would have thought the bottom half would of been where the meat was and therefore tastier
  9. like the top half of it, kinda strange huh.
  10. i deliver the furniture the box makers and box users sit on, sleep on or eat on
  11. youre experiencing what happen when you ignore the nitrogen cycle
  12. not very. bought maybe a month ago
  13. one of my neons is looking pretty sad, his red is almost non existant and his body aint the same shape as the others, ideas?
  14. can you own a stick insect? probabablly not, which would be why it got withdrawn i guess
  15. i have it in my main tank and couldnt be happier, just trying to work out how to add more substrate without emptying tank.
  16. i dont think i did my gravel layer thick enough and now my aquatic mix is coming up to the top, how do i add more gravel? do i need to take my plants out?
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