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Everything posted by kiwiplymouth

  1. I have 4 largish clowns in my planted tank and have never had a problem. Perhaps they up-root plants if they are under fed and looking for food?
  2. Go for a group of loaches. Either clown or yo-yo's are great
  3. Hiya, Mine have settled in well, I have just started to simulate spring rains to try to get them to breed. I turn the heater off for a day, do a 50% water change with rain water and insert a large power head to really stir the water up. I may have to do this a few times. One if them has started to do a lot of fanning in the last few days.
  4. Hi, I didn't weigh all the samples but everyone got between 2 and 3 grams.
  5. Luke, These are a non viable organism that have been freeze dried and irradiated before being allowed into the country. MAF would not allow them in if there was any possibility of them carrying any hitch-hiker pests or diseases. It is not possible for this product to cause worms.
  6. If anyone wants some more I can supply it for $0.95 a gram. Thats under half the price of similar stuff on the auction site at the moment. 1.5 grams has about the same amount of bloodworm as 100g of frozen product.
  7. There is always a freak of nature amongst us. Fish breeding should teach you that. :lol:
  8. Hi Stella, I'm pleased that they are starting to arrive. I posted them last Wednesday and was expecting some feedback by Friday or the weekend. I was starting to worry that my MAF issues were ongoing and that they were not going to let me send them around they country.
  9. I remember reading somewhere that some people were allergic to bloodworms but never met or talked to anyone who could comfirm it. Perhaps using a teaspoon next time will help. I glad the fish like them. Take a heyfever pill if you have one
  10. Hi guys, Just letting you know that your bloodworms will be in the post tomorrow. Please let me know what you think of them. Cheers
  11. Good on you Imsmith. It's great to see others giving stuff away to help other forum members :bounce:
  12. when they get a bit bigger you could start to introduce bloodworms into their diet. They love them and do really well on them.
  13. you should be feeding them baby brine shrimp or decapsulated brine shrimp eggs
  14. No Worries. To me it's all about keeping our fish happy and reducing our work load. If we can feed them food that they prefer and reduce the mess, fuss and water changes we cant lose. If you guys like them ( and your fish like them) then I can get larger amounts into the country and keep shipping and M.A.F costs to a minimum. Unlike some members of this site and the auction site i will not be trying to make a 300% profit. If i can cover my costs and make a modest profit to cover my time and effort then i will happy.
  15. No More P.M'S Please. I'm in a good mood so 10 people get to try them. I don't want to send 10 P.M's so this is for the following people. helen2289, Olly, Chichld7, Stella, Imsmith, Livingart, Driver21, Mr T and Ira and Dave+Amy if you guys send me your address. I will send you all 2 or 3 heaped tablespoons of the freeze dried bloodworms next week, Each tablespoon will be roughly equivalent to a 100g pack of frozen bloodworms so only use small amounts per feed. I feed this dry to all my fish but i did soak it first for a few minutes for the first week when introducing it to my discus. It is also a good idea to soak it first if you want it to sink. I would appreciate it if you could all let me know what you thought of this stuff as it will help me decide whether i import a larger amount next time. Cheers
  16. Livingart, you are number 3. Ira, I will put you down as number 4. Just P.M. me your address. 1 to go. I will P.M. everyone tonight after work.
  17. This may sound too coincidental to be true... but here goes. I just had a phone call from M.A.F. ( I didn't realise that they were still working at 7.30pm) They sent me a notice of detainment in regards to my second shipment of freeze dried bloodworm approx 3 week ago. We have been arguing about the detainment ever since even to the point that i agreed to have them irradiated at a cost of $100. The phone call tonight was to say that in the end they did not need to be irradiated and future shipments will be fine as long as me the importer and the exporter comply with a strict set of rules. The upshot of this is that i now how have little bit of surplus bloodworms. The first 5 (and only five) people to P.M. me with their address can have a free sample to judge for themselves as to whether these bloodworms are as good or better than frozen ones.
  18. My Siamese fighters, Angels, Barbs, and gourami didn't seem to notice the difference. I only feed it to the breeding pairs or as a treat in the community tanks. I haven't tried it in my growing on tanks as yet. My discus took a week or two to get used to it but have spawned 3 weeks after it was introduced ( this may be a coincidence) I find that that the only fish that really love tubifex worms are the gourami.
  19. I use freeze dried bloodworms. A lot less mess and hassel and the same nutritional value ( i think) I just imported 1kg from the USA. Its a bit of a hassel getting them thru customs but well worth the effort as 1kg of freeze dried is approx the same as 10kg of frozen bloodworms perhaps even more. I think i will bring in some larger amounts next time and make them available to forum members. Its a hell of a lot cheaper than the shop bought stuff. Let me know if you would be interested.
  20. I have just sold my spare one to another member. Cheers
  21. From the auction info: Voltage 240V/50Hz Power 35W Pressure 0.03MPa Output 40L/min Weight 1.2kg Dimensions 161x94x112mm You can have my one that has never been used. I find it a bit too noisy.
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