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Everything posted by kiwiplymouth

  1. My 10cm BGK is fine with my Oscar of similar size.
  2. I have a 375L five footer filtered by 2 x cf1200 filters. The current occupants are 1 x 8 inch BGK, 1 x 8 inch Oscar, 2 x 6 inch green severums and 1 x 4 inch red tail shark. I would like to add 2 x adult silver dollars and a 6 inch red spot plec. Does anyone for-see any problems that I need to be aware of? What would happen if I added a couple of adult opaline and honey gourami's? Cheers.
  3. What thickness are you using under your tanks SparkyNat?
  4. Because i can get all the compressed foam i need free from work.
  5. I'm thinking of using 1 or 2 layers of compressed foam (similar to those roll up mattress's that bush walkers use) as a base for my new 5 footer. Has anyone done this before? Cheers
  6. 1 cf2200 is cheaper than 2 cf1200's but is it better to have two filter intakes i.e one at each end of the tank? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =140422597
  7. Are 2 cf1200's beter than 1 cf2200?
  8. Cheers. I would prefer to over filter than under filter. I was wondering if i should go to something that does 1500lph and if i went that way. what is a good brand?
  9. I have just bought a 5 footer. 1500 x 500 x 500 Approx 375L I was thinking of getting a Cf1200 to filter it. Is this a good option? Any suggestions welcome. Cheers
  10. Im in Riwaka and will have zebra danios, long fin leopard danios, swordtails and tiger barbs ready for a new home in the next few weeks. They are all nice fish and will be going At $2 each. I might even have a few gouramis also.
  11. I am pleased to announce the arrival of approximatly 30 tiger barb fry and more are appearing all the time.
  12. I now have around 200 5 day old danio fry. no sign of any barb fry tho.
  13. Cheers for the info. much appreciated
  14. I have some nice plump zebra danios and tiger barbs at the moment. I only have 1 spawning tank and have placed 3 female danios and 2 female barbs in it. I plan to introduce the danio and barb males at the same time in 3-4 days. I'm hoping that both species will spawn at a similar time and then i can remove all the adult leaving only the eggs. Does any foresee any problems with this idea? Cheers and Merry Xmas P.S. Does anyone know if zebra danios and long finned leopard danios cross breed?
  15. Cheers. As this tank (300L) only has 3 swords and a small plec in it at present. I might remove them and leave the water in it as this tank seems like a prime candidate to try a fishless cycle.
  16. Fearing an algae bloom i decided to remove the tablets however they seen to have dissolved already or turned to mush under the gravel. I just have to see what happens i suppose. Any ideas on how these tablets will affect my ammonia levels and is this form of ammonia toxic to fish? Cheers
  17. I have added a few pondcare aquatic plant food tablets to my new tank which is still in the process of cycling. I notice that the tablets contain 4.68% Ammoniacal Nitrogen and small amounts of ammonium phosphate. I have 2 questions. 1) will this extra ammonia show up in my ammonia tests? 2) Is this ammonia in a state that is harmful to fish? Cheers.
  18. They farm freshwater salmon in cental otago.
  19. Here is a couple of pic's of the new tubular tank. I hope I get this right. As you can hopefully see, I still have a lot of landscaping and planting to do before it looks anywhere near as good as is can. sorry about the pic's, I was in a hurry
  20. My New 300L Tubular acrylic Tank arrived today ( yee ha). Its 700 diameter and 750 high (plus Stand). Ive just got it filled and will leave it for a few days to heat and settle. I was thinking that i could take my 3 adult swords out of the hex tank and put them in the new tube tank along with 2 small gae's and that they would be ok for the 6 days while im away and would help the new tank to start cycling. Whay do you think?
  21. Thanks. I will do that. I think that i have probably been overfeeding them as well which has contributed to the ammonia build up.
  22. Unexpected work commitments. I was thinking of adding a weekend feeder instead of regular feeds. Will they be ok for 6 days with no food?
  23. I have a new 90L tank that has been running for about two weeks. Its one of those Hexagonal tanks on a stand and has an under gravel filter. It currently has 3 adult swords, 3 young guppies, , 2 young pearl gouramis and a small plec. At the moment I am having to do 40% water changes every day to keep ammonia levels under 0.25ppm. I dont mind doing this but next week I have to go away for 6 days. I have an auto feeder but worry about my ammonia levels. Should i put all these fish back into my 350L understocked cycled tank or just some. Any suggestions please.
  24. try again. http://www4.snapfish.co.nz/slideshow/Al ... =109157068
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