How is it going for you hevalump?? Yes it is so so hard to be patient.
Here is a simple piece from a book:- Once set up, the tank is left running for a week or so. Then the aquarium is stocked with fish, possibly to its maximum capacity. Soon afterwards, fish start dying and the owner is at a loss to explain the cause.
Eventrually all, or nearly all, the fish die. In desperation, the aquarist strips the tank down, cleans the gravel and starts again, believing that it was some sort of disease that wiped out the fish. The same process is repeated and the fish die again.
There is no disease involved here. The basic problem is that the filtration system is not being given long enough to establish itself and break down waste. The fish then die from a build-up of nitrite. Washing all the gravel out at this stage simply destroys any useful aerobic bacteria that have developed. And the situation is usually exacerbated by the beginner's tendency to overfeed. The best course of action would be to do a partial water change and leave the tank for a further two weeks before beginning to introduce new fish gradually.
To avoid new tank syndrome from the outset, allow the tank to mature for at least two weeks, stock it with fish gradually, do not overstock and do not overfeed. A bove all, be patient when setting up your first tank.
However a way you can help is if you know of someone with a tank which is already established with all the good bacteria. Water change 50% of your tank water and replace with water from their tank. Maybe exchange your new filter media with 50% of their established media. This is what I did when setting up my third tank and it sure helped get over the new tank syndrome.
Testing was / is a wise move and your fish are lucky you care. Please keep us posted on how you may get a little rough for a short time. Best wishes. Fins crossed.