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    west auckland
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    Technical Diving, Cars, anything water related :-)

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  1. varven

    Betta Hex

    lol one of their unscruplous salesmen tried selling me one of those little things... theyre a size of a whisky glass some of the containers ...
  2. varven

    platy fry

    On a side note , if its only a fry grow out tank, dont even bother with gravel and UGF's. From my experience easier to siphon crap off the bottom when theres no substrate and usually a couple of sponge/corner filters should suffice.
  3. varven

    platy fry

    Chris, not meaning to contradict you , but just an observation, Ive had a platy once develeop distinctly rich red colouration when it was hardly1.5cm. But on the other hand, I left it in a tank full of adults. That usually stunts their growth . So it could have been matured but stunted physically in size ? Just curious . cheers, V.V.
  4. As long as water parameters are tolerable.. most run off the mill livebearers will breed anywhere. It would probably pay to ensure that you can maintain a warm temperature though... a heater and a simple air driven filter should suffice. Provide loads of plants/hiding places and just wait for the babies. But if you really want fast growth, seperate the babies into their own tanks when theyre a little bigger.
  5. Im going to go with a no filtration/ barely any fish setup... if it doesnt seem good ill add a wee lil powerhead with a prefilter or whatever.. so not really filtration. I was thinking abt a C02 setup but rejected the tank/home brewed versions because of cost and secondly even if theres a tiny lil 'bang' from a home made unit I get the tank booted out of home :lol: . Besides Ive seen crap go wrong with dive tanks and I dont like anything near high pressure around the home. Any reccommended fertilizers.. I was going to go for the generic 'fetilizer tablets' u stick under the plants but wondering if theres something I can more freely mix into the substrate . cheers, V.V. ps: in terms of fish I was really keen to have an algae gobbling Chinese algea eater but not sure if he will like a tank with no fast flowing water ?
  6. Ive got a 600x300x300 tank sitting around that Ive decided I want to convert to a 'mini planted tank'. What are youre reccommended substrate beds ? Im thinking along the lines off 1cm depth sand followed by gravel >? Similarly I dont want too strong filtration or something that would oxygenate the water too much as I want it to retain co2 for the plants. Is the smallest model available internal cannister ( more like powerhead attached to a sponge filter ) a viable option ? cheers, V.V.
  7. varven

    light bulbs

    what applications are you interested in using them for ? Im thinking about getting one for a 60x30x30 'mini' planted tank of mine. I already have a standard 2ft tube on it.... wondering if its going to be enough..
  8. Is that internal cannister filter thingy in the corner deflecting water flow over the plants ? I had one of them before in a previous tank and it was 'the devil'!..swayed tha plants around wayyy to much and I had to pull it out. cheers, V.V.
  9. is the zebra danio behind the driftwood.. ( head and tail hidden behind the wood ) ???
  10. do u mean comet goldfish ? a tank size would help. off hand (chinese/siamese) algae eaters are ok ..but make sure you can provide them with the right food and they dont starve.they enjoy a fair bit of water flow and hiding spots. cheers, v.v.
  11. Looks like I opened a can of worms here ! While a number of aquaria related DIY projects in the past have yielded promising results, I think personally Id be better of buying a skimmer. Ive come from a school of thought where skimmers were typically skimmers were given little priority and large complex wet/dry filters were the norm. It quite went "a good marine hobbyists wet dry filter size and complexity is directily proprtional to errr his 'manhood' " :roll: Obviously as time has progressed this seems to have changed to more effecient systems with live wrock and skimmers. cheers, v.v.
  12. Hi all, Im hoping all of you can tell me a wee bit about your tanks : size, stocking ( fish only/corals ) amount of live rock ? filter types and details ? Im trying to develop an approximation of what type of filteration most of you guys tend to lean towards. If any one would like , please attach pics and details of your DIY projects. Im a D.I.Y. filter enthusiast cheers, V.V.
  13. varven

    Hello all

    Yes eradicating them is understandable but the method is not right ! A while ago I saw a documentary in which this lady who works for M.A.F was sitting in a tiny boat in a lake down ( further down south i think ) and she caught koi in nets.. and proceeded to examine them and drive a knife through their head and dump them in a bucket ! That was rather crass !
  14. Yeah Ive ruled out spots with direct sun on them, mostly likely theyre going to be kept semi indoors. Ive done this before succesffully Im looking to see if I can find the preffered "containers". Midas would you be able to tell me the brand of the containers youre using ? cheers, v.v.
  15. Do any of you use large semi clear plastic containers to hold goldfish ? Im talking containers that are sized about 2 - 4 feet long and about 1.5 feet wide and high >? The ones that have a volume of about 130 - 180 liters seem pretty ideal. Im gonna shop around to try different products and compare their structural integrity/ material composition/ pros and cons and see what I can come up with . Has any one been succesfull with plastic containers and which ones did you all use ? Cheers, v.v.
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