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Everything posted by livingart

  1. little puddles of microscopic life
  2. can i have the address please?
  3. they moderate the globe
  4. its what funds this website
  5. :thup: be careful how you ask the question?
  6. the plastic turtles float
  7. no those are turtles the moss balls don't have appendages and are softer
  8. no, one leg serves 2 purposes if you are an octopus its called multi tasking
  9. livingart


    but it tastes nice
  10. you could try this jaxxnz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caff%C3%A8_sospeso
  11. the snail will always eat plants before algae
  12. 3.76 posts actually :smln: :lol:
  13. wait and see game water parameters as close as possible to water he came from or a long float off time reduce stress as much as possible good luck
  14. in the context of what you wrote you saw a frail person and felt sorry for them so offered them some sustenance in that context one wouldn't expect payment then get upset when you find they have no means of payment
  15. no not your lack of the english tongue just the complexity of it :dno:
  16. tried cleaning the octopus tank today no go, day before he dragged it all over the glass :bggrn: just wanted to eat it today
  17. Sounds about right, maybe a bit more water depending on size of fish
  18. the head is for thinking the feet are for dancing
  19. so you offered her something you expected her to pay for?
  20. most usually leave an air space in bag oxy for long trips
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