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Everything posted by livingart

  1. :oops: it's all relative and not your relative
  2. got a new skimmer on the big pool do you think its big enough?
  3. that why the male goldfish is the one that gets the headaches
  4. we spent our honeymoon in a tent, the best time was had have offered a tent as we don't have beds available as sons are back from uni bbq on the night rockwork is here, anyone else want to come along you are welcome once we have a date confirmed we will let you know adodge pm your email adress and i will get something to you for the newsletter thanks for that
  5. yes jude your quilts are art i am surrounded by an unfinished project too
  6. as alan said old oilstone sandpaper works as well i use carborundum paper to take the edge off when i can't find the oilstone
  7. heated swimming pool in there as well and a dirt box for the middle of the night 8)
  8. i grate the carrot really fast that creates heat
  9. love the fine line work i close my eyes and picture the image in my mind then hold that picture, open my eyes and get to work a small part at a time
  10. sandy or very fine gravel floor, mud might be worth a try yes they stick to sides of tank live foods, but accept qxheart, shrimp, prawn etc as well can wean onto fine granular foods
  11. if your talking goldfish part of being a lady goldfish is the males keep on butting her until she releases her eggs
  12. yes you are right they are darker, a bit bigger and rangier looking than the vittis still a different build than the wds though photos can give a distorted look sometimes
  13. you been grazing our wds get mistaken by many people as tuatara barbata and vitticeps look alike
  14. kept fighters as a kid nothing like the finnage of todays fish though
  15. bubble nest live bearers or would they give live birth to bubbles nice fish, is the yellow a recessive gene?
  16. i believe you could PM Caryl
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