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Everything posted by livingart

  1. Xmas B.B.Q. in Tauranga for forum members and local fish club members Sunday the 21st December start at 3.00pm, eats at 4.30 tp 5pm free entry to park B.Y.O. The local club were unable to do their end of year function so we thought we would have an informsal get together for local fisho's etc would be good to put faces to names Pm to let us know you may be able to make it
  2. lucky its only one of the bones i'm just a layman with a lifetime with animals
  3. nice splint job, may have to leave it longer than stated, up to 6 weeks depending on type of break if it comes off before a full mend it may be weak IMO
  4. i have some nylon bird netting that i have used in my big filters can send you up a bag of it too try it is used to keep birds off fruit, you should be able to find a supplier in auckland that will have offcuts donaghys supply it
  5. do you know what happened to that spider model thats my kind of garden art i could put it in the fernery and tell those poorly managed kids if they don't behave it will get them
  6. you could use 1/2 the water out of your established tank add ph buffer then put in tang set up
  7. remember to keep the filters full of water
  8. full cycle depends on temperature and food supply
  9. yes my ornates just sit there as well fish go missing or are attacked and the ornate just smiles but isn't hungry
  10. don't worry with the cats it won't be lurking too long
  11. how old is he? i didn't say he was possessive, just merely stated my general experiences with lorries
  12. nice rainbow i deal with a lot of badly behaved rainbows they are usually fixated on a toy, mirror, bell etc, as they get older their behaviour and possessiveness can worsen
  13. that answered the question about 21 times paul nice looking group
  14. yes he has, they are fruit drops if you waxed your surfboard with earwax would anyone steal it?
  15. i am on the urgent priority list a 3 or 4 month wait
  16. livingart


    hi sauske welcome to the forums
  17. probably an algae, black beard possibly
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