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Everything posted by livingart

  1. trying to get a definitive answer on I.D. of some of these plecs must be nigh on impossible until you know the distinguishing features that set one from the other, teeth, scaling. buccal flaps, fin shapes or number of rays, colouration and patterning it is just an approxamation of what it may be
  2. as adodge said seperate him and don't worry about putting into the hospital tank as you could use the water from existing tank when you change him over in my experience the tonic you have plus some salt and frequent water changes can help the problem and even make it dissapear, but i have had it come back later on healthy fish can be resistant to many things but when they are stressed in any way their auto immune systen can lower and allow diseases to break out your fighter could live in a small amount of water to make the treatment easier
  3. are you sure you have the name right i think all 3 species have the same care requirements
  4. if i use nzpost i place item in cardboard box then fill box with expanding foam wait until it is set then clearly label please treat this parcel with disrespect (reverse phsychology) then ship on another courier
  5. i think the words bacterial infection and furan have been used already so i won't repeat them
  6. they put the law in place so there would be no chance of any being transferrred to other waterways either deliberately or by accident i have seen people selling them on trademe as cold water guppies, ads quickly withdrawn if you net a gambusia while netting in streams you are not to return it to the water and it must be killed
  7. like ryan, either immature male zebra or female bigger pics?
  8. undescribed species? are they just young baboon spiders? http://www.bighairyspiders.com/usambara.shtml
  9. feed just before lights out but leave the room light on it will come out as mystic said it can take awhile to settle into the tank
  10. if you stop feeding it it won''t need a new tank seriously it should grow at least a foot a year, give or take good food and plenty uf swimming space
  11. a varied diet is best, live foods are good for stimulating appetite aros are sensitive to movement on the top of the tank or smaller fish in their swimming space can also feed insects, baby mice etc don't feed too much mammal meat as it is full of fats exception is heart meat there is some more floating foods around that can be fed to aros
  12. love the look in the new setup, well done
  13. i have called it a hybrid the aros said thank you
  14. aS LYNDY SAID http://www.hdc.org.nz/complaints/making-a-complaint
  15. Paratya curvirostris easy to keep in coldwater, will survive in water up to 26 degrees but might not last long
  16. 100w in 85l should work as hans said try turning it up
  17. he has to get them first board the ship and take the treasure, ha haa me buckos
  18. sorry sam, if you aren't electrically competent it is usually a case of buying a new one hiding the equipment in the tank helps the ambience of the picture you have created
  19. hi sam nice scape you could stand heater upright behind plants on right it will help your scaping IMO
  20. red scat young monos sorry for bad pic, these guys are fast
  21. some of our brackish fish archer fish Red or ruby Scat adult
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