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Everything posted by livingart

  1. in the great scheme of exporting fish nz is but a mote in gods eye and i know of exporters overseas who have said once the fish is on the plane it can't be sent back true first generation of xbreds will not breed true 100%, i have had line bred 2nd generation breed true 100%, then throw variants in the next generation so with the peacocks from wellington did the seller chuck them together and you are waiting until they become adults to sort them out?
  2. or pomme frites integrity 1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. 2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness. 3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness. some have it, some don't well said navarre this forum basically acts as a breeding register of sorts with a lot of ethical breeders present your average buyer on TM just wants a pretty fish, there is the odd young passionate person who wants to start breeding hopefully they find their way onto here
  3. once a clown always a clown once a knight is enough
  4. what sort of terrarium are you purchasing? they can be kept together if your enclosure is big enough
  5. sorry found the video button on the camera and then found you tube not many brackish tanks around so thought i would share a short video
  6. yes vinson, this maybe the way the diversity in lake malawi came about originally and why so many can interbreed freely
  7. livingart


    the image size is relevant as well
  8. let the tank settle for awhile before adding new fish if your water was low it means that any bad stuff in the water was more concentrated you've heard of an apple a day keeps the doctor away well weekly water changes can keep the dead fish away
  9. getting given a name when you purchase fish can be unreliable a lot of fish are caught by native people with no scientific background, who label a fish with the area it was caught from this can then become the fishes name from then on
  10. put me in a dress and call me sir livingart
  11. this is the crux of the matter, if you are a "serious breeder" then you need to ensure the fish you are passing on are correctly named and pure fish come in misnamed by the exporter, importer or lfs and then are passed on with this name the beauty of the fnzas is there are some serious breeders involved who do just that and these forums allow discussion on any problem fish I.D. as to african cichlids scientific studies have shown that a rocky outcropping can have a variant of a species on it when 50 metres or less away another variant will be present even 2 sides of the same outcropping can contain 2 or more variants
  12. i like my wild strains too, a comment was passed a while back about "why are all discus now orange" because it is the "in" colour
  13. a discussion on another WTB thread on here had started discussing the genealogy of fish so thought i would start a thread for thoughts on strains of fish and identification my thoughts from there sadly a few years back the record keeping for imported fish was not the best but a lot of fish came through misidentified by mistake or deliberately to avoid import restrictions there are the odd sets of fish around that have been kept in a contained breeding program amd so have remained pure the only way to know for sure they are pure is to breed for a few generations and produce all true to type offspring
  14. 1 discus and don't worry about the wc's this sort
  15. no sump yet kiwi, too scared to drill the tank, 75cm deep, 90 wide 2 canister filters, pomice, noodles, bio balls and coarse sponges, filter wool in one 20% water change every 2nd or third day, straight from hose :oops:
  16. yes that is the only thing that worries me about the gouramis i have heard some horror stories
  17. the bigger gourami is a bossy piece of business, if he tries to hassle the big aro it curls up then whips it with its tail
  18. have you measured the ph? some substrates can affect ph
  19. and there aint nothing like me in drag
  20. don't muck around go a minimum of 1,000l and keep some real monsters don't know what it is about big fish but they have some personality
  21. too late i have already been damned maybe edit the post to damn you livingart cause a dame i am not
  22. if it has a mouth don't listen to anything it has to say they are sneaky those majanos
  23. The only reliable predators are large angels (Blueface, Majestic, and Emperors)
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