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Everything posted by livingart

  1. probably a few around the country
  2. "corporate business" with a manager in each store so probably the service at each store is a reflection on the management skills in place
  3. he be me kinda bird. oooh aaah i have a bird called George Thorogood, so named cause he be bad to de bone
  4. lorries can be possessive little sods side by side is good, sorry i missed that in the first post, and ensuring they don't get at each other when out they may get on fine, down to personalities
  5. might be a recipe for disaster, depends om birds personalities
  6. pretty hard to find one that would only kill one species, that is why they have been working on STDs so it is just reletive to possums and then it will need a trial period
  7. not unless he is calling himself McDiscus now
  8. 1080 is an indescriminate killer sadly in todays money ruled world it is probably the most cost effective way of sorting out some of the pest species our native specis and habitat is a billion dollar earner for tourism but farming is a huge earner as well it is currently impossible to eradicate every exotic pest in nz here will always be big arguements for both sides and emotions can run high and emotive statements don't help a debate i disagree with the use of 1080 but understand why it is used
  9. implied swearing!! hard to fix does the wing have some movement or just hanging? is it broken or just popped out of socket does it feel gritty if you move wing means a break place wing against body and run a piece of sellotape around body and lower chest just in front of legs not too tight just enough to stop movement in joint then run another piece around behind legs but not over the rectum leave on for 2 - 3 weeks then spray with water and remove gently while holding wing in place
  10. got a photo of the wing? and where is the break
  11. tilt head on side drop omto joint of beak and let in seep into mouth you should be able to feel or see bird swallow about 3-4 drops berocca tablets may work as well as a vitamin b source
  12. i like tar sandwiches the tip of a teaspoon in 1/4 breakfast cup of warm water vegemite doesn't work the same
  13. can't really do much else if it maks it through the night you have won 1/2 the battle shock and interbal injuries are the big killers the eye and blood in nostrils possibly suggest a good bang on the noggin so it is a waiting game to see if it can recover itself warmth quiet and a bit of energy which you have done ps a bit of marmite in warm water can work to restore vitB which birds use up when under stress
  14. adult bird put him in a nice warm dark place and see if he is alive in the morning
  15. an amazing reef tank build in Port Waikato http://www.faysreeftank.com/
  16. can platys change sex like swords do
  17. it will depend on the size of the item or items you are shipping
  18. that has been my experience in the past, haven't trid with the more modern filters though
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