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Everything posted by livingart

  1. the price paid for it and if a pair then 50% of the potential off spring for the next 3 years oh plus the stress and emotional harm that was caused
  2. came in skinny and as the days went by and it got stronger the bites got harder
  3. wish i had the equipment to do it
  4. an update on the kaka from massey uni avian vet team Hi guys, Thanks so much for sending your lovely kaka our way. The bird is doing well and is eating and putting on weight. We did xrays yesterday to recheck the fracture and it looks like it has displaced slighly further than shown on previous xrays, likely a result of the muscles of the wing contracting, which means it will definitely require surgery to fix. Blood tests have shown no significant findings although do indicate that there might be an infection present somewhere. The surgery is planned for tomorrow and I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Basically we are going to place a pin in each of the bones to align them properly and ensure they heal straight. It is a pretty straight forward procedure in a fresh fracture but this one is already a bit older (we don't know how long the bird had it before it was found) and that makes the surgery more difficult and more prone to complications like bleeding, poor healing and poor bone alignment. However, we will give it a good go tomorrow. All things going well, the bird will have another set of xrays on Thursday to check the bone alignment after the surgery. The bird is on pain relief and antibiotics at the moment. Thanks again for sending us your wee bird, please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Kind regards, Baukje Lenting Veterinary resident in avian, wildlife and zoo animal health
  5. the ones that died did not seem to feed well even though i kept rotifers feeding to them the fry still going are around 20 - 25mm long now feeding BBS gut enriched with different strains of phyto plankton
  6. all of the above and affidavits from the hands they have been through
  7. hard to get these in focus still over 100 fry lost 15 but these maybe the ones that went through the trickle tower or the pump
  8. there have been some good ideas put forward in the past to legitimise exotic reptile keeping in NZ a body needs to be formed to give a collective front when dealing with authorities
  9. form a society, then apply to affiliate to the fnzas then start the above
  10. costs maf money to do that easier for them to let someone else do it then they can say yay or nay if a standard prepared meets all the requirements then legally it should not be denied
  11. continually replying keeps this conversation off track
  12. do you have an answer for this or a way to counter it
  13. it can be hard to understand amongst the rhetoric by your calculaions in that 2 years you could have made a lot of money
  14. 1960's methinks edit: :oops: you mean the thread with the ridgetails possibly didn't look at the date, just remembered seeing a thread in the past so searched monitors on here i still have a good memory left
  15. yes there were a few mini zoos had some reptiles on display the brighton zoo in CHCH had a few from memory
  16. i'm livingart and i'm an alcoholic :oops: sorry wrong forum :oops:
  17. i was merely trying to point out how assumptions could be made from what is posted communicating through the written word can get people offside with each other when face to face they may like each other it is indeed a "shame" to have watched all these threads ruined by a few and edited posts to make them more palatable, been a bit of work and probably not worth it :roll:
  18. i would like a dollar for every time i have heard that question
  19. there is always another point of view i think i understand where repto is coming from your first post on the forum created quite a reaction and subsequent posts as well you have given no indication of your experience in the hobby so some will be guarded in how they respond to you it might even be said with the name acanthurus that it could be a sock puppet account for varanophile as in varanus acanthurus, ridge tailed monitor as in this thread
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