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Everything posted by livingart

  1. i think a lot of the medical fittings in nz are still Din477
  2. no they have little gauges that if the prey item doesn't fit in they can't eat it sounds like thats whats being advocated
  3. it looks undersized i hope you put it back :rotf: found this one in the return pipe from the sump wondered why the flow had reduced :facepalm:
  4. it can take awhile for the water to get into any unsealed areas where the concrete is i found changing water every 3 days for a few weeks was best way of reducing the effect the lime was having on ph while it is high cycling process will be harder
  5. livingart


    Candiruphobic? :rotf: :rotf:
  6. walked in turned all the lights on and checked the tank inhabitants one of the crayfish lying on its back, DAMN gotta do a water change if it killed a cray, 1300 litres :roll: so reached in and grabbed it out heavy, pulled it out of tank and water was flowing every where HAHAHAHA NEVER STOP GETTING FOOLED WHEN A CRUSTACEAN DOES A SHELL CHANGE :oops:
  7. be afraid very afraid
  8. http://www.societies.govt.nz/cms/charitable-trusts process is fairly easy 4 - 5 people, maybe one from the council included once set up you can apply for funding etc look for other trusts doing same work and enquire with them, most will be only too happy to provide info
  9. added royal whiptails 4 more discus sterbai corydoras a few types of sword plants having trouble catching out platties and swords though with all the new plants in there
  10. yes golden barbs too many birds in the background :slfg: added royal whiptails 4 more discus sterbai corydoras a few types of sword plants having trouble catching out platties and swords though with all the new plants in there
  11. placing them on the glass should be fun then
  12. that is what i use in both marine and fresh for stand pipes 2 coats usually have used spray enamel in the past as well
  13. black house paint once dry is safe
  14. I think that eel in pic 10 has been drinking doesn't it know not to drink and slime? good luck i hope it goes well
  15. livingart


    has it been a year gone by already :sage: :sage: you can tell how long you have been on the forum by how often you have read this question :sage:
  16. I am looking after nymoxs' plants and fish while he is down south put everything into the 2.4 metre and thinned out swords and platties http://youtu.be/4cBUNlc-jws
  17. leaving a part of the sock dangling in sump water will keep these alive if the go through overflow a new tank won't have many of them mysid http://www.mblaquaculture.com/content/organisms/americamysis_bahia.php food for fish http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copepod some of these guys aren't as nice http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isopoda
  18. in marine they will need regular cleaning and if not a portion in water any mysid or pods getting trapped will die i have used them but just for a 24hr stint to polish water
  19. get a skimmer rated for more than your system capacity then fine tune it with height, flow rate etc i still get good results from my old style skimmers
  20. probably, but like humans they come in different sizes it will also be dependent on breeding genetics an oscar can reach up to 12" and at its age should be bigger fish with oversized internal organs usually have an oversized abdomen
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