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Everything posted by livingart

  1. it only takes one unforeseen natural event to damage a large area that you wouldn't see fixed in your lifetime
  2. i breed our local horses occasionally but i'm reluctant to let them go to anything less than a fully cycled tank i have used off the shelf marine start up products and found them good when fresh but can achieve the same result with a new tank and regular water changes always used NSW, 25+ yrs the important thing is to ask when purchasing them to see them feeding on frozen foods etc as it can be hard to change them off live foods
  3. yes to both queries they trail their tails and after a few stings lose feeling then dead horse you can teach horses to feed from a net or cup
  4. if you want to keep horses i wouldn't keep anemones
  5. this guy takes a stab at it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Haisch
  6. the story of creation and the big bang theory aren't too far apart just a lot more words on one side
  7. just an observation on the vagaries of the human mind and internet forums
  8. this will end up like the weed portion of this thread agree to disagree and let it trail off into the internet ether
  9. it may cool water too much being outside would you have to be careful when pruning plant that it wasn't exposed to the water
  10. yes it could be hardly ever see ours drinking, just licking dew off the chainsaw in the morning
  11. kidney damage? not enough moisture in its diet
  12. 1 container will fill it twice or i have 10, 15ltre ones
  13. how big a tank? i have some big containers you can use
  14. the mount or sulphur point just before the high tide after a few days of nice weather save your salt mix money for other goodies
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