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Everything posted by Barrie

  1. Barrie


    Thanks I get the first stand some time next week and have a few of the tanks made so will be looking at the filters next and looking at finding a place that I can steal back from my wife hobbies
  2. Barrie


    No air or filtration? how often would you do water changes and how much would you change then? Am I better of with air and filters or just wasteing $$$ Thanks for all the help and hope Im not proveing to be a tooooo bigger pain in the rear
  3. Barrie


    Yes I was thinking of the sponge filters but have to ask eh things move quickly but Im still waiting for the prices to come back, Started the tanks though
  4. Barrie


    Im setting up a breeding battery of tanks the will house 12 twin tanks of 600 x 300 x 300 with a devider in the middle. I have noticed that quite a few setups have air stones only in their tanks but would I be better off with putting a filter in each? Im thinking of say an Aqua-one small filter (the smallest) in each 300 x 300 x 300 unit?
  5. Interesting comment Alan Youve gone out of your way to help me BTW Gardneri were the main spieces kept when I last had Killies but there seems to be a lot less of them around?
  6. Thanks Alan(s) Yes I will be posting my check today if I remember to take the form to work with me. The idea was to have 10 to 20 breeding tanks and to breed my own but wanted to look at a tank for the lounge so it is not an over night thing. Last time I had Killis I had breeding 32 tanks and 32 spieces but those days were 20 odd years ago, maybe more. This has been sparked by my daughter getting some Guppies and wanting to breed them. I showed her the Killis on the net and she loved them Thanks again
  7. If I was to set up a display tank and only put in male killis (for the colour) would I be inviting problems. The idea would be to say put 6 to 10 males of any 3 or 4 spiecies together but with out the company of females. Will they fight and distroy each other?
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