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Everything posted by Casper

  1. had a wee play with the camera, hope you all enjoy
  2. That would have been my thoughts, very cute wee fish!
  3. i to would not recommend HP or Comaq, i know some have had "issues" with dells but ive only ever owned dells and the've beet fantastic!
  4. an offical Holden Racing Team Polar Fleece, um.. a statuette of a white tiger, and chocolate and $$ :bounce: :bounce:
  5. hrm, might have to duck into a couple of the LFS and see if they would like any geeze the're not as vicious as eveyone thinks! ours a really mellow, unless you go near the babies ... which is understandable!
  6. Best Guess would be some clowns.
  7. you obviouslty have far to much time loopy
  8. Just Curious, do you think there would me much of a market for these little guys? we have a breeding pair that just wont stop! have only raised one batch of fry so far, but would really love to save the others instead of leaving them to be picked off the the clown loaches! i know they can be quite fierce, especially when it is breeding, but a beautifull fish none the less Just wondering if these guys are acutally sellable?
  9. i think they do, but from what i remember the offspring will be infertile
  10. we've got 2 about that size and never had any problem with them eating anything other than flake lol they dont seem interested in the neons or the danios!
  11. Casper


    They've withdrawn it from auzzie shelves!! :-) !!!
  12. Could try Sticking some of those plec Tabs to the glass, they look like we green panadol tabs lol
  13. yip water out onto the garden, water in straight from the hose do about 30% weekly
  14. no way. far far to small! ill be waiting till they get to about 5cm mark
  15. what we managed to come up with
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