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Everything posted by cichlid7

  1. what about a small shipping container or something like that? line it out and cut a hole on one side for the front Or will that be to big
  2. we have an HRV system and it tells you the temp of the rooms and the roof space The lounge is 32*c The roof space is 58*c and the fishroom is 34*c Its so hot
  3. They are eating BBS and seem to be going fine will get them on a mixture of BBS and microworms next week sometime Its harder than i thought to get a pic of the fry also it is hard to stay in the fishroom for more than a few minutes because it is so hot in chch today and my fishroom is now sitting on 34*c with the door open and a couple of big fans blowing the air to keep it cooler.
  4. yep the same ones they laid in a terracotta pot cut in half. i think it might have something to do with them temp of the water as in my fishroom i only have 1 300w heater going in my planted tank and the room stay's on about 27-28*c but over the last couple of weeks as it has been getting warmer my fishroom has been getting warmer and their tank has been on about 31*c and they never tried to eat there eggs like they have done the past few times What temp is your tank? I think there are around 50ish fry which are now starting to swim up to 15cm away from the parents. 8) 8) Is there anything special i need to do for the fry?
  5. They are the ones i got off here from up north awhile ago i think they are the Apistogramma Cacatuoides
  6. Thanks i will try and get some pics later tonight or tomorrow depending on how flat the camera battery is lol
  7. so finally after the third laying i have now got fry they have been free-swimming for around 8 days now with both parents they are eating BBS and are now around 3-4mm long :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  8. Hey Dixon What shop was that?? i might have to get some
  9. cichlid7

    Pond pH

    lots of driftwood or use peat
  10. How do you get rid of green beard algae?? well atleast that is what i think it is :lol:
  11. How much and how often do you put salt in??
  12. I would say that as they are still small id be doing 25% water changes Daily With the filtration that you are going to have on the ar850 25% every 3 days should be fine. On My discus breeding tanks i do a 40% water daily, Best time to do a water change is about 2 hours after feeding
  13. with the cf1000 you can get them on trade me new for around 110 - 130 but you can also get the cf1200 which is the 1200LPH new at 120 im sure that is the price i saw it. There have been a few posts about "which brand is best" Best Ehiem Fluval Aqua one jebo Something like that
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum Most canister filters have small tubing. I find that the Fluvals have larger tubes (there will be other members that will have a better idea than me) Yes Neons are fine in the higher temps mine are in 30*c water sometimes it gets up to 33-34*c on hot days when the lights are on. Is that a 165L tank? (from memory i could be wrong lol) How big are the discus? They will need a bigger tank once they get up to about 7-8cm body size It is recommended that for adult discus that you have 50L per discus in your case 400L but you could get away with 300L+ as long as you have a few places for them to hide Eg: behind tall plants etc... Hope that helps
  15. Great work Mark My pair look like they are ready too spwan again
  16. Yea i noticed that :lol: :lol: its about the only part not on there :lol:
  17. i think you are talking about google Earth this thread is about google streets http://maps.google.co.nz/maps?hl=en&tab=il
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