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Everything posted by Warren

  1. You probably have the wrong address in your browser. The cookie that allows your PC to remember who you are is based of the exact website address you use to visit the site. The old site used http://fnzas.org.nz which does work to display the site but not accept the cookie. You need to use http://www.fnzas.org.nz so the cookie gets to your PC. Try that and I think you'll find the 'Remember me' feature works fine.
  2. Any change isn't going to please everyone. There are many new very good features in phpBB3, for members, moderators and administrators. Almost every aspect of version 3 is superior to version 2. Even the look is much cleaner and crisp looking. Initially I didn't like the look but it grows on you very fast. It's also a lot easier on your eyes when you've been looking at it for hours during development...
  3. When there's no smell is a fairly good indication it's ok. It's bound to be acetic cure so can be irritating until the smell is all gone. When I resealed my 2.4m tank the easiest way was to get inside it. I ended up having to wear diving goggles and breath through a hose as the fumes were so toxic... Even 48 hours later it was still too strong to put your head inside the tank.
  4. The FNZAS hopes to work with the North Shore club shortly to try to get them going again. They went into recess for a reason that should never happen. I expect it can be turned around quite easily. A few years ago it was a very strong and active club. I certainly hope we can inspire them to get things going again.
  5. What am I doing for Chrismas - well, hopefully relaxing. The last 8 weeks leading to this upgrade have been rather hectic. As well as trying to develop the site and test everything to the n'th degree, I been overseas for work for 3 weeks (2 weeks spread between the USA, Spain, Switzerland and Germany and 1 week in South Korea). At the beginning of the upgrade I knew nothing about writing php code (the main force driving this site) but was pleasantly surprised at it's similarity to C so it wasn't too bad to pick up. Many late nights and here we are. Anyway, I'm hoping the new site runs sweet so I can have a few beers while watching the grass grow in the back yard...
  6. Warren


    You are lucky you only have a couple of hundred. A good spawning of Oscars can yield over 1000...
  7. Oooh-Ah, they'll be glad they don't play soccer then...
  8. Warren

    Hi everyone

    Welcome to the new look. Lucky for you learning how the site is going to be all-new. For everyone else they will have to re-learn as there are a whole heap of new features and functions in version 3. Enjoy, I know I like the new look a lot...
  9. About 300mm from the water surface is where I had it sitting.
  10. I am so wise I still have all my wisdom teeth. When I was 12 I had 4 permanent teeth pulled and braces to force my teeth into the right place so my wisdom teeth would come down ok. Seems to have work - well as far as getting the teeth to come down in about the right place anyway...
  11. I wouldn't bother washing up. I've used this stuff many times before for aquarium plumbing. A couple of time in an emergency from broken pipes or leaks I've glued the pipes together above or below the tank, waited 30-60seconds for the glue to bite and then turned the pump straight back on. A bit of a smell comes off the water surface for a few hours but it didn't seem to hurt the fish at all. The tank was medium sized though at 1200L with around 200 dwarf cichlids in it. No casualties at any time from the glue. Of course, I'm not certain the solvent didn't hurt the fish long-term but it was leak all over the floor or have fumes in the water - fumes won... The stuff leaves no harmful residue so no need to rinse or scrub afterwards.
  12. I'm not 100% sure of the details but it has to do with being able to store waste water and sewerage - ie, contain the waste the motorhome produces until a proper dump facility is found. There's ratio's for tank sizes that need to be observed and the tanks must be of a certain standard etc, blah blah... Best to get the regulations to be certain and contact the certification officer for areas you're not clear on. There's a lot of miss-information around so it's best to ask the person who's actually going to certify it.
  13. Please also refrain from negative comments about any business dealing you may have had with Bryan. This is not the place to air these.
  14. Hello Everyone, It's my sad duty to inform everyone of the passing of Bryan Harvey, the owner of Origin Aquatics. I knew Bryan only for a few years but found him to be a sincere person who meant well. I've known his father or around 20 years and feel strongly for him and the family at this time. There are a few members of this site who may still have issues with Bryan and/or his business. We request at this time that you allow a reasonable time to pass in respect of the family and leave them be while they come to grips with his passing. At a time in the future an announcement will be made when and who to contact about any unfinished business.
  15. Show results now available: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/livebearer_fish_show_2008/
  16. Also make sure there is spare capacity in the sump for when the pump stops. There is always extra volume required to make the water flow down the return pipe to the sump. When the pump is stopped this extra volume ends up in the sump. You need to allow for this or you'll overflow in a power-cut.
  17. It took all day - about 30 minutes to polish an area 300mm x 600mm. I used a woolen buff on slow speed. Heat was a problem as well. As long as the glass temperature only rose by about 25-30'C it was ok. At 55+'C the glass would crack. I had no problem with rainbowing... It also reduced the visibility of a couple of scratches as well.
  18. I would have been keen but I'll unfortunately be in Miami that weekend... I like the BOP area and it would have been good to catch up with some of the local BOP FNZAS members at the same time. Has anyone from the local club got the members on-board for the working bee? Maybe also a list of who is interested so jobs can be assigned in advance. Good planning will likely make the effectiveness of who does go much better.
  19. But only if there are multiple showers in a line...
  20. I had a light milky discolouration all over the glass of my 8' aquarium. It was about 25 years old and came from Rotorua which has quite hard water (lot's of lime). I fixed it by mechanically polishing it. I got some fine metal polish and spread it on the glass. As the tank was 8' long I decided to go with an electric buffing machine to do the hard work. The polish effectively cut the surface of the glass, removed the calcium staining and left the glass highly polished and as clear as the day it was made. If your tank is reasonably small you may elect to polish it by hand. You have to rub quite hard though...
  21. Go here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/clubs Not all clubs list their meeting place and time but most do.
  22. Warren

    dead dwarf

    He should probably do water changes a lot more often than 3 months. The nitrate level is probably building to a toxic level in this time. Some fish are more sensitive to nitrate but all will find it toxic at some stage. A nitrate test kit will show you what level you have. A good target is 30ppm max but preferably 10-20ppm. I'd change to doing a minimum of 50% water change once a month, 40% every two weeks or better still, 30% per week. The more often it's done and the bigger % change the better off the fish will be and the lower the nitrate level. For example, many top discus breeders will do 90% water changes 2 times a day... Nitrate is toxic but the fish normally don't show any signs of being poisoned until 1-2 days before they die. It also increases the likelihood of dropsy and most other diseases due to the infection pressure being raised by the toxic nitrate level. All the good filters he has will not help in this case. They will do an excellent job of converting the more toxic ammonia and nitrite to nitrate but will not remove the nitrate. 3 months is a very long time to go without a water change.
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