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Everything posted by GZ_Loach

  1. peanut butter with jam on top LOL (best if you toast the bread with peanut butter for a short while, then add jam and toast for a few secs) Ginger hair or red hair
  2. holden, Porsche or Ferrari
  3. green toyota or honda
  4. is there enough oxygen in the tanks?
  5. DIY CO2 this is just a basic example: empty clean coke bottle cut a hole in the lid and push some long tubing through and silcone the edges so theres a secure seal unscrew the lid and chuck in some yeast and some warm sugar water, screw the cap back on then mix it by swirling/shaking the bottle. place the bottle somewhere and put the end of the tube in the water, wait 10-15m and if you dont see any bubbles then check the bottle for a leak or make sure the bottle is below the tank etc. i dont know if thats all of it but thats all i can remember
  6. sugar red wine or white wine
  7. coke laptop or normal computer
  8. north, south is a bit too isolated in parts i.e long drives etc East or West
  9. barbs can be in tanks with most fish (but avoid mental fish like arowanas etc) tiger barbs are good as long as you dont have fish with big long fins etc
  10. coffee flash car or flash house?
  11. someone did this already. LCD anger or sadness
  12. what about some barbs? and maybe some loaches :bounce: :lol: 8)
  13. shrubs tomato sauce or ketchup
  14. sun shine fat or really thin (paris hilton)
  15. DVD, floppys are s l o w . . . . . Deaf or blind
  16. got any pics of the fish close up? (in the tank maybe)
  17. beer tastes like river water and wine is too sharp.. but beer will do. loud or quiet
  18. i almost couldnt see your post :roll:
  19. thats a hard one....... day. milk or cookies?
  20. sorry ment to say "constant current" not contant
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