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Everything posted by fishtv

  1. Hi there, I know most of you already know our boy but our puppy is a 10 months old Beagle. He is generally very well behaved but as soon as his nose switches on his ears turn off, something to do with being male and not being able to multi task I think Despite that he is very spoiled, coming mountain biking with us in Rotorua, Coming on all our holidays and running around like a loony on the farm. His name is Flynn- I have no idea where it came from, we just heard it tried it out and it stuck! This was when he was 6 weeks old... He was much cuter then! His favourite past time is lying in front of the fire until he gets so hot that he has to move away as a panting mess. Look at those big ears... so why can't he hear us???? Sorry all, I'm a proud mum!!!
  2. ummm.... I have isolated her and she is still going but she looks aweful, I am starting to get concerned about how much pain she is in. She is eating again and swimming as normally as she can will a belly that size!
  3. Sadly I think you are all right, she is getting lazy and not eating, its not looking good for her. She is the only fighter in the tank so hopefully it wont affect the other fish. what a bummer, she was a really nice fish and very friendly!
  4. I'm not really convinced it's dropsy but I'm by no means an expert. Her scales are normal and she is swimming normally. All other fish in the tank are happy and normal, haven't tested the water yet so won't write that off until I know for sure. Thanks for all your help so far!
  5. thanks yea she is really pretty and I have another, very similar to her. I did have a beautiful crowntail that I had planned to breed but he sadly died so the breeding has been put on hold for a while. I also dont have the right set up for them at the moment but I would really like to get into it at some stage, I hope she is ok? She looks awful, She has been full of eggs before but never this bad and to have her fins disappear????
  6. does that help? she doesn't sit still for long?
  7. I have just returned from a weekend away and my female betta looked like this... Does anyone have any ideas? She is happy and swimming around as usual???? Any ideas will be appreciated? She is the only betta in the tank and before we left she looked a little egg bound but now the area is very red and her "front fins" (sorry I don't know the correct term) are inside her? :-?
  8. Haha well both dogs in that photo have been run over before and have learnt their lesson the hard way!
  9. This is my toy.. had it for about 6 months. Keewee Stealth, manitou sherman flick plus forks, shimano clip pedals, hayes hydraulic discs, wide bars etc etc. lotsa fun or sreet riding and downhills at rotorua ( only the softies have full suspension )
  10. I teach people how to make the boxes and my partner fixes the planes that teach people to become pilots to fly bigger planes that carry LOTS of boxes Wow, how things are all related!!!!
  11. fishtv

    My New Boy

    Finally a half decent pic of the new boy! He is even more amazing in person...
  12. if the red streaks do appear what is the best way to treat him?
  13. Thanks, he is fairly bossy himself and doesn't seem bothered by anyone or the wound, so I will leave it and hope it heals on it's own. Thanks for your help guys!
  14. Hi all my male cockatoo has a wound which doesn't appear to be healing. I think it was courtesy of my loach and is now at least a week old with little change. What do you think? should I leave him or treat him? if so what with?
  15. I think it is different for everyone... I have had no end of trouble with my tank, i.e had huge ammonia spikes, intestinal worms and some other un-diagnosed problems yet the dwarf gouramis have survived the lot! I am now on my 2nd pair of rams, the first lot were given pristine water conditions and were fussed over constantly but died regardless while the latest pair have be put into a 'mostly' cycled tank, survived a heater breaking which partially cooked them, then froze them, resulting in a white spot breakout. Yet they have now coloured up to breed, who knows??? Neons can be short lived and contract white spot in poor water conditions but they are fairly cheap to replace if one or two die. Its all about trying them for yourself. (p.s I can't keep platties alive... a so called beginners fish..)
  16. The tank is a aqua one 980, so 215L 98cm long 60 cm wide. I have Kribs, a med angel, dwarf gouramis, BN X2, 2 cockatoo's and one female betta (who can be moved to another tank) and 4 neons.
  17. Hi all, I have a male and female cockatoo and love the look of the panduro's too. I have done some research and it seems fairly conflicting, some say they can be kept together with no problems while others say that the panduros may become aggressive? I suppose I am looking for some advise from a 'real' source as to wheither I should try these guys together? The cockatoos I have at the moment are very peaceful and don't bother anyone including the Kribs. Thanks in advance! :lol:
  18. I have a male and female cockatoo, a pair of rams, and a medium angel in a tank of 215L with no problems at all. In my experience, the cockatoo's are very peaceful and an awesome fish to watch. It all depends a lot on the personality of the angels though. Some are just bullys while others are very docile. Good Luck!
  19. fishtv

    Tank mates???

    Tank is 215L and is 98cm long. if the angel becomes too bossy he will be relocated. The Kribs are only young but we THINK we have two females and a male so yes a pair is likely, is so they will be watched closely.
  20. Hi all! I have a Aqua One 980 tank with the following -One small and very gentle angel - 2X BN - 1 X Female betta (2 more to come) - 2 X Cockatoo - 3 X Kribensis -1 X Male swordtail - 2X Dwarf Honey gouramis - 5 X Neons I was thinking about adding a couple of gouramis? What do you think? Is the tank over stocked? What kind of gouramis would suit this tank and its tank mates? I like the look of the opaline gouramis but do you think they will be too aggressive? Thanks in advance!
  21. Yea I agree with a quick hit over the head. I did some research about the freezer method and found that it is an excruciating death where ice crystals form in the blood stream. Doesn't sound too humane to me? I am afraid to admit that this was how I use to do it but not after reading that!
  22. Yea, I wish I had that option! I only have two tanks and one has a fighter and one has an angel and Kribs... they wouldn't get much peace anywhere!
  23. Thanks, thats true about the fins being tempting. I just love the look of these fish.
  24. can anyone help? I'll take it as a yes then and try them and see how they go?
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