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Posts posted by Adrienne

  1. If you are going to do corals you will need to establish a good reputation within the smallish, dedicated,  group of marine keepers throughout the country.  From experience there are no fishkeepers as likely to kick up a stink as marine owners (note - I am one of them).  There are already at several people with great reputations who frag and sell through the facebook group and trademe, who sell at good prices compared to the shops so do your homework :)

    In the fishkeeping community, reputation is everything.

    NB tempered glass I believe can not be cut.

  2. If you can either grow enough harder to grow and obtain, plants, and breed enough fish to break even then you are doing well.  Trust me, I know.  If you wish to sell to shops you need to negotiate before you even start and for every $15 fish that is sold in the LFS you might get 10% of that price returned to you but it is likely to be store credit, not cash.  It's supply and demand and if you breed a species in bulk then you need an outlet to sell in bulk.  TradeMe does work but the cost to you per listing and sale is not cheap.

  3. They shouldn't dart out - but yes they do like to go up and down on the odd occasion and also swim in the bubbles if you have a bubbler running.  Never say never though as if they misjudge then the odd one may go over the top :)  Bristlenose and others will also do it.

  4. Remove the carbon.  What fish do you have in the tank as some are sensitive to flourish excel.  If you can squirt it directly on the affected areas it will work a lot quicker.  Dose daily for a week - ten days or until you see the algae starting to turn red - then dose twice a week.

  5. You were asking about plants and also about algae eating fish -  African cichlids need a tank with higher pH to thrive so that cuts down on what you can keep with them.  American cichlids prefer a lower pH than Africans.

    Java fern can handle the higher pH but you will need to anchor it well to the rocks.  Cichlids tend to not nibble on it much as apparently the leaves don't taste that pleasant, but it is a slow grower and will likely develop BBA which will need keeping under check with dosing of Excel.

    People do keep bristlenose ancistrus in cichlid tanks or even Common Plecostomus.   Featherfin synodontis are another option.  What pH is your tank?

  6. Fair comment :)  I believe he is still working alone.

    I think there are others who do build them.  I'll message you the name of one person who can, and occasionally does build lovely tanks but it is by no means his regular occupation and I don't know if he would have enough time.

  7. What are your tank parameters ie ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?  There may also have been a small ammonia spike created and adding a form of oxygen displacement will have also helped.

    FYI - a fish's stomach is the size of its eye so that is how little they need.  

    Water changes will become your friend - if in doubt what is happening and you don't know what to do - do a water change while help arrives :)

  8. I assume the rock is white coral rock - if so it is a common happening.  High nitrates, too much feeding, too much light can be the causes.  Reduce these and perhaps add an algae eater or two depending on what sort of cichlids you keep.

  9. Time for an update.  Yesterday I added the final two fish to this tank - it has taken me since the beginning of last year to source (at the same time) a powder blue tang and a yellow tang which were the last two fish to be added and needed to be added together.  

    Final stocking -

    pair of Picasso Clowns

    Lawnmower Blenny

    Chromis x 2

    Copperband Butterfly

    Schooling Bannerfish (False Idol)

    Foxface (Lo) Rabbitfish

    Blue Tang

    Powder Blue Tang

    Yellow Tang

    Corals are still a work in progress :)








  10. If you want quiet then don't buy a cheap one.  IMO with air pumps price is often a reflection of the noise :)  The size you require is not so much dependent on the tank size but the head height the pump is pumping to so it will depend where you are placing the air pump ie above or below the tank.

    Its a shame you are not in Auckland as I have a double outlet Stellar by AquaOne air pump that I have never ever used, just sitting in a box in the garage :)

  11. Salt and Pepper Cory (Hastatus) do not come in to the country very often.  There were a number that came in and were sold to fishkeepers a few months ago - hopefully they will breed and be more often available.  Otocinclus are commonly available in the shops up here in Auckland.  Try Hollywood Fish Farm or New Pupuke Aquarium Centre.

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