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Posts posted by Adrienne

  1. Can those of you who ship give me some info please. I have read through the other forum on this.

    Where do I get polystyrene boxes from?

    Do pet shops have heat packs and the round cornered bags or do I need to get these off TM?

    Is the consensus that NZ Couriers are a good firm to use?

  2. Here are some of my bettas - would like some feedback on what you all think!

    Crowntail veiltail x


    4 months old cambodian veiltail x


    3-4 mth crowntail veiltail cross


    3-4 month old crowntail veiltail cross




    4mth old Cambodian x male


    older females






  3. The bio teacher who lives here on the school site by us is away at the moment but if it hasn't gone like Sharn suggests it might in a couple of weeks post something more about it and I'll ask him. He might know as he has had fish.

  4. I've noticed that too. The late developers are by far the bigger males - often I've thought they were going to be female and then the sword has grown. I've also heard but don't know if its really true that if there are several females in a tank and no male that one of them will change sex.

    Maybe they were just late developers too!

  5. Hi, thought I would let you know how I do my tanks. They are in the back shed nowhere near a tap or drain. We connect our hose to the nearest tap and run it up through the window to the tanks. My husband turns it on and I let it start to flow into a bucket. When the airbubbles have stopped I put my thumb over the end and he turns off the tap. I put the hose into the tank and then he disconnects the hose from the tap end, drops it into a drain and we're away. This should work if you connect a gravel vacum to the end of the hose as long as you can seal it. Unfortunately when I come to refill I have to bucket out of the house and around to the shed.

  6. Thanks for that. I have the bulk of the young males in a 4ft tank in 11/2 litre bottles with holes and grill like lines down the sides. Have them sitting about 10cm from the bottom of the tank on the undergravel filters which I have raised. Much the same thing - lift the containers and the waste falls out but your way would probably be easier as I have to put a small amount of gravel in the bottles to stop the filters tipping them over.

  7. Hi, I'm in Epsom so whatever supply central Auckland is on. I did another ph check today - don't know whats going on! Straight from the tap 7.8 today so checked some of my tanks - 1x ph6, 1x 7.8, 2x 6.4 and fortunately the one housing all my big males at 7.4. I think that seeing as they seem okay I had better not tamper with it.

    Thanks anyway.

  8. Thanks for all this info - straight from the tap ph is 6.0. Even when I have tried to increase it by using ph up it rarely gets past 6.4. Will look on the site given and see what it says otherwise I guess I should leave it as is.

  9. Hello everyone, I was wondering does anyone know the ph level that fighters like the most - my ph is 6 when it comes out the taps and I am wondering if that is too low although all my fighters seem fine and it doesn't stop them spawning.

    Thanks for any help you can give.

  10. My male fighters have what looks like small blisters on them - 1 on each fighter - the only thing I could find on the internet that it might be recommends using maracyn. Thats why I was asking.


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