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Everything posted by smidey

  1. in reality it is too much. I have aimed it toward the surface and back wall to try to reduce the flow in the tank, it's still too much but it's not as bad as straight down or across the tank.
  2. all my CF canister create quite a good flow. On my 1200x500x500 it creates quite a flow with the spraybar aimed down the length of the tank and the outlet at the same end as the spray bar. When you throw food in it quickly goes to the far end of the tank and heads back toward the outlet, certainly more than enough flow for africans and to remove most or all solid waste (depending on what is on the bottom stopping it).
  3. the fact it has way to much flow. my plants are bent over and teh fish look like they are in a fast flowing stream.
  4. i think a wave maker will be way too much but give it a go and see what happens. I just put the 5000lph in a 2.0m tank and it's too much for it.
  5. yeah and it is laughable that NZ wholesale prices are far more than retail in other countries. Unfortunately for the wholesalers and retailers in NZ the customers are getting smarter and bypassing them all together. That may have detrimental effects on some things but so be it.
  6. a Cf1000 is good enough for that tank. Gross amount of water you will have is 162L, less glass thickness, substrate and anything else you have in the tank and less what ever water level is below the top of the tank. I'd estimate 140 to 150L of water so that means your turning over 6 to 7 times the volume per hour and i have always worked on 5 or 6 times so in my experience your all good with what you have. If you want more flow put the spraybar on the end panel aiming down the length of the tank with the outlet at the same end, i have always set up my 4 footers like that and it works well. I also keep a lot more than 20 cichlids in a 4 footer and i always over feed.
  7. somehow a product in the US which is retail $50USD was as much as $160USD ($200NZD) in New Zealand. Something doesn't add up there but it is not just fish food, it seems virtually all items that are imported see such a massive increase. Thankfully the internet and fedex make it easy to get much better retail prices.
  8. www.kensfish.com it usually arrives 7 to 10 days later but can be a little longer when MAF inspect the package. I have order 4 or 5 times i think and never had an issue.
  9. when HFF first started selling it i was paying $156 per 2.24kg bucket plus $15 freight. Then the price went up to approx $195 plus $15 freight so i looked for an alternative supplier as the price had gone well out of hand. I found kensfish.com were, and still are today selling the buckets for $50USD and if i buy two the total freight cost is around $80USD so with the currency exchange it made it around $220NZD delivered to my door for TWO buckets when i could buy locally each bucket is approx $210 so it is a pretty easy decision i think. I suspect the buy price HFF gets is over the top but what ever the situation is it is too easy to get the same product for almost half the price even when you pay so much in freight. I hope in the future that HFF or any other local supplier can supply it at a realistic price so i can buy locally but until that happens i'll continue to get it sent from the US. to clarify, i am not apposed to buying from HFF, i have spent hundreds of dollars with them but to pay double the price for something isn't the right choice.
  10. http://www.kensfish.com/aquarium-suppli ... rmula.html
  11. not big numbers, about a dozen of mallard and parrie this season but i just head across the road onto the farm for an hour or two at a time. got none opening day as we had a shooter near us that would shoot at birds heading our way so everything was at 1,000 feet all day. how have you done?
  12. once you get some tangs i think you'll like them more than malawians. The tropheus in particular are so much more active than malawians, tropheus are like malawians on speed.
  13. i am. hunting ducks this time of year and keen on possum, rabbit and goat shooting as well. I enjoy getting out in the country and roaming around.
  14. I used those weights to hold down the plants so it didn't matter if they removed the substrate, the plants just stayed on the bottom
  15. Ime up rooting is the least of your problem, they destroy the leaves and stems before they dig them up
  16. silly little boys can get their pumps working without any sucking :dnc1:
  17. smidey

    Hi there :)

    Hi and welcome
  18. smidey

    white film :(

    don't panic about it, it's normal as far as i can tell. My "less aerated" tanks have it but i have never had an issue.
  19. What are your charges per m3? Up here it is less than $2 so there is quite a lot of water to be changed to use a m3.
  20. Is the point where it narrows a major factor?
  21. there must be a calculator somewhere on the net that will tell you. I know when we reduce a fire hose diameter from 70mm to 45mm we get a significant friction loss. The friction loss for a 70mm dia hose is 15kpa per length and the friction loss for a 45mm dia length of hose is 150kpa per length. So if we want 700kpa at the branch (nozzle) then we need to add 165kpa at the appliance for one length of each sized hose (765kpa at appliance=700kpa at branch). I don't know how many litres per minute that equals which is probably more what you want to know though. Will be interesting to see what that all equals if someone works it out.
  22. i would go the lighter one as over time with algae etc it will darken anyway. I do think either way it will look good but just be sure you understand how it will look when it's in the tank. I have seen them in a tank in a store and the joins were quite obvious and i thought it really let the look down so just make sure you totally understand how it will end up before parting with the cash. Also, will it cover the entire back wall? what are you doing with the plumbing, heater etc?
  23. wouldn't the water level rise? the fish would absorb and drink some of the water but the solid parts of the fish will displace some volume. So if your tank was full and you added a fish it would over flow. Edit. I should have read the question properly haha
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