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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. sweet i saw those fans not along ago and was gona get some for my tanks . sweet ill see 2mrw i mite add the power head 2mrw aswel and hopefuly the temp will drop im gona add 2-4 fans tho lol
  2. yea my spray bar is outa the water at the mo ,hopefuly cooling the water down a bit so did a power head at the bottom help change the temp at all? or just the fans? how many fans you got on it? how big is it/they?
  3. its weird its night now and my temps stil 29.5deg hmmm and the heaters on the 2 bigger tanks are still coming on even tho there set to 25 and should only come on when the temp goes under that so why are thy coming on when its over that!? im getting a bit lost lol ill see if i can buy some fans tommrow sounds like they seem to work
  4. yea i thort it stuck on coz the temp was just so high ,ive never seen it like that befor thats why asumed the heater had sumthn to do with it
  5. yea jus saw dat lol is one big fan better than four small ones or sumthn?
  6. my tanks temp is rising cause of the weather, its at 30degrs! my arowana died cause of this yesterday. any ideas how to cool it? ive been using ice, doin cool water chnges and im gona get some fans for over the tank, will fans help much?? any better ideas? the tank will rise over 30 some days i rekon cause my big tank has to be in the garage which is real hot. tanks over 700l so need some good ideas let me know guys
  7. i new the eel wouldnt last as i puthim in there 2 days befor he got killd and as soon as he went in thee clown was after him , then he stoped until friday morning when he got him
  8. ive had a real bad week ,3 deaths fist on monday my 40cm black pacu died , i duno why everything seemd ok at the time friday woke up to see my new 33cm fire eel get attacked and killd by my clownknife, sad thing was i was aware this may happen and was gona take him back to the lfs that morning... a lil to late... and then just 5mins ago my 35cm arowana passed the heater has gone wack in his tank and the temp was getting towards the high 30s. was at work today so never gota chance to notice yea that sums up my week
  9. ther doin fine now ,eels swimn around evrywer now and knife just glides strait past him lol but yea ill keep an eye on thm if it goes bad im gona sell the eel
  10. got a new fire eel last week is over a foot long and hand feeds swims during the day aswel , lol my clownknife thinks hes a worm , lol at first he was trying to eat him, seems ok now tho... :lol:
  11. wel will see how long it lasts lol
  12. ive had mine over a week now
  13. i just broke the rock he was on off with my hand ,lucky he was on a lil flimzy piece lol
  14. yea ive herd they need a chiller but it seems to be doin fine
  15. nar there closed coz i just had the light of for awile befor the photo. i have 2 t8 tubes and one pl light? i think thats what its called
  16. was on holiday in coromandel and came across it seems to be doin ok temps around 25deg
  17. http://s131.photobucket.com/albums/p314 ... CN0981.jpg that link shud work better ... i hope lol
  18. this lil dudes living in my nano and seems to be doin fine at the moment lol http://s131.photobucket.com/albums/p314/Aprophecy/?action=view&current=DSCN0981.jpg


    i just got one over a week ago from a rock pool in coromandle its a nice red colour its in my nano and doin fine in the warm water lol only opens up when i turn the lights on to seems ok for now
  20. ma main tank that i just got is 700 liters, the fish going in it are 1 pacu 1 clown knife 1 arowana 1 choc plec 1 common plec 1 salfin plec and a pair of oscars yep i kno ill have to upgrade again soon so yea 8 fish in that tank lol
  21. kadangos mayb i duno realy anythn that will go well and looks good and can breed lol
  22. well im starting my malawi tank and i love my electric yellows and dont want them to cross breed with anything else so i was thinkn maybe i should mix some haps with them instead of other mbuna the fish i have at the moment are 1 male elec yellow , 6 females and 3 un known, breeding wel at the moment 2 johanni males and 2 females 2 ob zebras i think? 4 rainbow Melanochromi look like this but males are more blue http://www.gemi.at/georg/fish/Melanochr ... sonae1.jpg 1 male 1 female giraffe hap i would like to know what wil interbreed, so i can get rid of them if they are going to also one last question, if i have some haps with my yellows will the differant kind of haps interbreed? lots of help would be awsum thanks
  23. i used poly and glued it 2geda( EDIT:- together) and then coverd it all with a cement mix and added a coulouring to it (dark grey) but yea in the end it lo0kd prety stink i rekon lol so i just stuck wit real rocks instead
  24. can anyone recomend a skimmer for a 4foot tank
  25. yea the bulbs in a packet and it says tungsten halogen lamp
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