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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Definately Lumphead/Peacock look huh Tiden, however I wonder if the colour blue helps it look that way to :lol:
  2. Afrikan isn't a hive of information.. She doesn't know everything ya know. Frenchy should know :lol: :lol: Hmm I am thinking it looks like some sort of hybrid..... peacock x. Pictures on the other hand can be so deceiving. But it does look hybrid on my screen.
  3. Glad to hear you have well behaved Suris to shadowfax, aren't they loveable! I have one who I am not sure I would trust with "tiny" midgets in the tank but the rest were cool Yeah Tiden the Brasiliensis breed like flies.. almost as bad as Jags :roll: :lol:
  4. I can imagine Rogan.. :lol: I am not a fan of Brasiliensis, hence why I only keep the other 3 species.. Brasiliensis have a much different temperament to the rest I reckon.
  5. Hmmmm :-? Baby bristles maybe not a good thing... and large tetras are fine ie Columbians etc but I wouldn't risk neons etc or anything small like that. The other thing is, the Kuhli share the substrate just as much as Suris do, but hide in it instead :lol: Wouldn't want the Suri thinking he was in worm central Suri's are not overly aggressive in nature, but I can't say that I would totally disregard the idea that they won't go for anything I would class as "pretty small"
  6. How big is your Suri, and how big are your Bristles etc? I have my Suri in with Corys, large tetras, Bristles etc
  7. What sort of Geo do you have? I keep Juru, Steinys and Suris, all very mallow, even have them in with Corydoras.. and they get on with their own thing sifting substrate, not bothered by anything. At breeding time Geos can get a bit stroppy, but even then they don't do anything major.. YET it does depend on what species you keep. Brasiliensis can cut up quite stroppy. IMO and going by experience of keeping the above.
  8. :lol: Very true.. Yet there are people out there when starting a display tank of some sort, wanting fish of decent size, the odd person like that comes in hubbys work actually, wanting to buy everything they want for a tank at a decent size, however, it's not quite as easy as that, the odd shop might have a clear out of odd display fish like one in Palmy does now and then, but generally shops don't have tank space to keep bigger stuff in. Some are too impatient to have grow ons :roll: :lol: I guess the same goes for people who go to garden shops, some want young seedling type plants to grow on to reach flowering stage and then others go and buy those potted instant colours :lol: I am a fan of watching fish grow personally, unless it is something that might be really hard to get, or might be nice for breeding or that is scarce, then I would buy it
  9. Awesome Frenchy, sounds good, looking forward to seeing some pics
  10. Afrikan

    a big hello

    Welcome to the forums
  11. You will want a heavier type sand, definately beach or river sand.. of the heavier grade, the dark grey stuff is what I am using. I keep Geos.... Jurus, Suri and Steinys and they are great sifters.. if you end up getting a very light sand, with the amount of sifting Geos do when they get larger, it will end up flying up around the place and would end up flying up all over the place. And yeah it would pay to have your intakes up a bit higher, like we have, or it will end up flying up the intake with the Eartheaters, doing their thing :lol:
  12. With keeping Oscars in the past I reckon their "naughty period" as you can put it, is in their juvenile stage, they seem to mellow out with age and maturity I have found. I think the more room you can have for an Oscar the better. I would definately stick with an even number of Oscars, what sharn said is definately right. If you are going to go for a Dat tho, I would stick with the 2 Oscars as the Dats can get very large.. however might need to think on, if the Oscars end up being a "pair" and look at spawning eventually down the track, you might end up with a cracked Dats... We had two large Dats in with our Oscars in a big tank and they got on fine, however this tank is 1500 litres plus.. There were no problems from the Dats tho in regards to aggression. They are just as much foodaholics as Oscars tho, so feeding time at the zoo is interesting :lol:
  13. I haven't seen Figure Eights on the lists for donkeys..
  14. Best to keep Tiger Barbs in groups of 6 plus, it keeps the niggly interest amongst themselves instead of hassling anything else in the tank... however on to be on the safe side, I still don't recommend keeping anything with alot of floating finnage in the tank, Fighters in particular. Your mates angels might be left alone if he hads another 5 or more Tiger Barbs to the tank or if he's not keen on that idea, then he might have to part with the Barb, as it will only keep fin nipping. BGK's will take out any smaller fish when bigger, they have a very big mouth, they also grow VERY large, around 40-50cm in length, so might pay to keep that in mind Crypts (plants) are relatively easy, and you can get all sorts of variations I love them.
  15. I bet they do, they are busy little beavers most of the time huh :lol:
  16. I know of one wholesaler who sells largish Africans on the list, and they are very high wholesale prices, so the shop price would have to be pretty up there.. frankly I wouldn't bother, most people are just as happy buying a really nicely coloured Electric Yellow to grow on. This particular list also sells "Electric Blues" however, next to the name it then states "Pseudotropheus" :lol: It could end up rather confusing for some LFS out there who aren't African minded, when they could possibly get fryeri in their minds and then end up getting a Zebra... :roll:
  17. If it is dense heavy wood it will take less time to sink than if it is a light wood.. If it is floating around midway down then it shouldn't take too much longer.
  18. Yeah Rogan.. not what I am used to seeing either :lol:
  19. Maybe not what most would keep together, however the fish look in excellent condition, inclusive of the goldfish. Not what I would keep together but if it has worked for him then good on him
  20. Not to worry Milet, we all make mistakes now and then I can understand you being really peeved tho, good luck next time tho, hope they spawn for you again real soon
  21. A Zebra Pleco? Where have you seen those for sale JZ? If only $40 extra to fork out for a true Zebra Pleco, then you most certainly know of a source that has a real bargain :lol: :lol:
  22. :lol: :lol: No worries boi.. I thought you might have been meaning the Dragons, but wasn't sure
  23. Actually my Peacock boys are far more argumentative in my Malawi display, the fryeri seem much more laid back.. it's actually rather laughable, I haven't seen my fryeri pack any punches at all, it all comes down to the D. comp and the Peacocks, and the fryeri just sit back and watch from afar :lol:
  24. I wouldn't suggest having your fryeri living on Spirulina only.. I feed most of my Africans on a product called Granumeat put out by Sera.. you think oh yeah mammal products when you think of the name "Granumeat", I did when I first saw it, but it is actually put out especially for Eastern African Carnivorous Cichlids and is Fishery and Shrimp Meal base with spirulina algae. My Electric Yellows also get some of this but my other Mbuna are fed on a Spirulina based diet.
  25. How much for the what? Pebbles or eggs in the Duboisi's mouth? :lol:
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