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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Be careful as far as I know the Jebo don't have a glass cover that sits above water level below tank hood... at least my old Jebo bow fronts didn't a while back, not sure if they have changed that, as I haven't seen one for ages as where my hubby works.. they don't stock Jebo all in one tanks. The Aqua One UFO big corner tank that I have does have the glass cover under hood... If you are wanting the Jebo for brackish.. I would possibly think again.. if they don't have this, as the salt can get up into the light fittings under tank hood very easily without glass lid that sits above water level.
  2. Tall Vallis? Your tank looks great 8)
  3. Well for starters both developed a small drip down the front after a few months... if one did it, I would think.. yeah I guess it is just a one off thing.. but both developed it. And the other reason is the fact that I really and honestly don't think they are that great quality. (The Jebo kit set tanks I am meaning). Also.. after a while the whole half circle bow look tired with me :lol:
  4. I won't buy Jebo tanks snookie... in the past had two Jebo bow front tanks and I have since got rid of them.
  5. I have a young male Firemouth that thought he was a hero... till recently my big Jack Dempsey pair came back from their holiday in hubbys work display tank... now he is pretty sedate and doesn't feel as important :lol:
  6. Afrikan

    New Sections

    :lol: :lol: I hope you would have a Womens Refuge nearby dave01
  7. You can breed them in a set up tank with stones etc.. they love hidey holes (caves as you stated) and love plants... however they will breed in a bare bottom tank to with caves etc
  8. Can see pics now and yeah, hubby has had them through where he works and they can be major fin nippers and bullies...
  9. I had our pair of Kribs breed in a 2ft tank.. wasn't overly big at all.... they did a good job, and you have a good looking pair to btw
  10. I can only see a logo to :lol:
  11. Yeah I am sure they will christen your vase before ya know it! :lol:
  12. Afrikan

    HI There

    Welcome to the forums
  13. My hubby and his mate carried our 8fter into our house, and it has double bottom thickness 10mm also... and a fair hike in... I had my heart in my mouth... The old typical "she'll be right" attitude :roll: :lol: The more people the better if you can Good Luck and sending happy safe tank shifting vibes your way..
  14. Afrikan

    Snobby Krib

    That Krib has got good taste it seems! :lol:
  15. Afrikan

    New Sections

    I keep both African and American species, so personally would hate having to follow two sections :lol: Next thing there will be a request in the catfish section for Pleco section, Synodontis section etc :roll: :lol: I think the Reptile and Amphibian section is a great idea however
  16. Heya I am going to have a real close look at our ones.. as mine I am pretty sure look a tad different to ones you have pictured Will see if I can get a decent enough shot of them to.
  17. Hiya Blue They look really similar to what we bought as Tamboensis and we have a pair... we are also wanting to look into them. We also go a pair of the "bushinose" that Phil Collis brought over, but they look much different to those.
  18. Yeah they came in the Wild Caught shipment that was brought in a while ago, no longer available on list.
  19. You would have to find females of the same variant, and with not knowing what it is, it's best not to breed from.
  20. Yeah fishy_t... he is a lovely boy I am talking about the fish :lol:
  21. Brichardi do best with pH of 7.8-9.0. Hardness 8-18dH is preferred. They are a awesome cichlid, and really awesome to watch raise their young.. if you are ever tempted to get another tank :lol:
  22. Major reptile lovers here to We have: Snake Neck Turtle Red Eared Slider Pair of Blue Tongues (Male & Female) Looking at getting a Bearded Dragon soon. And we used to have a Greek Spur Thighed Tortoise.
  23. Brichardi will defend their breeding territory, they generally tho will live in a big community, till a pair want to breed, then they split off from the group to obtain a spawning area, then they go about their business. Good idea with just keeping the one. However, their water conditions that they need will not suit your zebra loach or gouramis.
  24. That looks really nice Frenchy.. looking forward to seeing some more pics down the track as plants grow etc
  25. Neolamprologus brichardi is an African, (Tanganyikan) Requires different water paremeters to your Gourami etc.. And not what I would recommend for a peaceful communal setup.. Keeping just the one you might get away with it, they can get feisty over food. I would certainly not put more than one in your tank... especially if you ended up with two of the opposite sex, they are great with one another generally when spawning.. and great parents... but look out other fish Overall they prefer their required conditions tho.
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