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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. I had Indian Dwarf Puffers... awesome little devils, major fin nippers and look out anything that moves, even things 3 times as big :lol:
  2. Do you mean Brichardi breeder madsaffa? I opened the pic link but the pic is showing up rather blurry onscreen.. so not overly detailed this end, does look melanochromis like (possible hybrid), but pic not really clear, looks to have rather alot of vertical banding too, is that right? Oh and yeeikes, definately not suitable for tank with corys
  3. I have moved this to the Salt Water section, you may get more replies there from the "salties"
  4. I prefer sand, yet a heavier based sand, not too fine. I use Daltons Propagating Sand, it's excellent and easy to gravel vac 8)
  5. Yeah the male is a beautiful boy, awesome for a nice display tank
  6. Yeah great stuff Gannet Looking forward to pics. I remember the snapping turtle they had at Ti Point years ago... it was pretty big
  7. Yeah she is definately not a Johanni female either... the female Johanni can vary from a light yellow to a deep buttercup orange yellow... your females colouring is not like a Johanni female and she also has major vertical banding and also the body shape is alot different to Johanni, the fish you have are alot bulkier as in deeper in body also, where as the Johanni are bullet shaped.
  8. Welcome batmanforever What good taste you have wanting Africans 8) :lol:
  9. Yeah as the guys said definately not Johanni.. Just out of interest, what colour is the female you have? In the past when Johanni shipments are brought in, they usually have Golden Johanni (of which are female) and Blue Johanni (which are the coloured up males) but more recent shipments (in the last year or so) it's a case of argggh what are they bringing in..?? :roll: That's why I won't now buy anything that comes in labelled Johanni, because the shipments coming in recently are seeming a bit of a worry. Markings on a Johanni should be horizontal not vertical, here is a bad pic of a male I have. And here is a pic of holding female I have, females are yellow... and she will get a horizontal smudging through the body when she is in breeding mode... as you can see in pic.
  10. Yeah after a heap of searching I haven't come across anything called a "Glass Kuhli"... what species of fish (Sci name) is meant to fit with the common name "Glass Kuhli"?
  11. Hey guys I moved this to the freshwater section due to the fact that Silver Dollars aren't cichlids, so more people may view it here in the freshwater section and comment
  12. They are supposed to come in with a scientific name....Some fish come in with a scientific name of which doesn't belong to them and the fish get passed on inspection.
  13. Bosemani can definately fin nip and often go through stages of harassing other tank mates... Normally if you keep a number of them, they will hassle each other, but if not, they will hassle other species of fish.
  14. Oh duh, wake up Mekhaela! :lol: Serves me right for doing 3 things at once late at night.. brain was a bit fried :roll: They will definately look awesome with your fryeri and yellows smidey.
  15. Have a safe trip whoever is coming through Will see you guys at our house :lol:
  16. Welcome Joefish! Rainbows are awesome fish, you will really love them. We used to keep Bosemani and Neon Dwarfs, however not together as Bosemani would pick on the Neon Dwarf somewhat. Madagascar rainbows went in well with Neon Dwarfs, not sure if you have seen them? They are very nice Yep Caryl $128 is good for a CF1200
  17. If you are wanting to get rid of them then most loaches will scoff snails, pakis, angelicus, clowns, even dwarf chains will scoff what they can.. yet if you don't want to knock them off and save them then get them out now before there are as the guys said 102-1002 as the guys said :lol:
  18. A wee while ago there were some Red Ribbons available down this way... and another strain down this way also.. haven't seen them around for a wee while now. Hope you find some, they're pretty.
  19. Heya Smidey Where did you get them as fryeri? They don't look like fryeri to me, yet the fish at the back that I can see finnage of looks fryeri going by fin markings even tho can't actually see the fish. Your newbie two at the front look cobalt bluish to me
  20. In the past rather a few Oscar keepers kept Snakeskins in with them... probably still do. I have 3 very large snakeskin gourami, they are an awesome fish and should be ok in with your clownknife... if your clown is well behaved anyway :lol:
  21. It obviously doesn't know what's good for it.. must be a male :roll: :lol: Mine used to have a chow down on frozen mysis.
  22. Afrikan

    Im Back

    A huge welcome back Brad! Glad you're back on deck again 8)
  23. BGK eat anything and everything.. including small fish when they are large enough to consume.. You will be amazed at the mouth, have a close look, its almost hinge like. They love bloodworms, flake, frozen mix, Mysis shrimp, anything that smells good enough to guts down
  24. Afrikan


    Yeah Java Moss certainly does like wrapping itself round everything, including filter intakes :lol: I no longer keep Java Moss in planted tank simply for the fact its a pain in the back side :-?
  25. jimr Do you have imports mixed with NZ bred guppies?
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