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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Hubby had contacted the importer, with the lot that I got mine from, and he spoke with an employee, he stated that the lot that came in were definately not Johanni, some of the females were even holding there in the wholesalers tanks also. I had heard that anything that comes in as Blue Melo is given the axelrod reference page to Johanni by the wholesaler here, but these fish were not labelled or named Johanni on suppliers list. The maingano are supposed to be smaller than Johanni and the "fish" that I have, aren't anywhere near as big as my Johanni. I will find out about the maingano and the purple mbuna time frame, the guy I mentioned is actually apparently getting back into fish again and had kept fish for many years 8)
  2. Yeap they were the ones that you had a look at Frenchy and had approached the guy on the cichlid forum about, sent you pics? I have heard that there were rather a few holding females around so there was definately a fair few, I just happened to buy a holding female and a dominant male, because I wanted to have them possibly IDed hence why I sent the pics 8) And didn't want to fork out too much ping to buy a group of them. The lot I got this lot from were ones that came in as just straight Blue Melos, but this wasn't at the same time when Goldens started coming in again alongside the Johanni males. The shipment of Blue Melos were on the list for sometime and there were no Goldens/Yellows on that shipment. The ones I have, have all bred true to the parents, identical, and they certainly look different to the good Johanni stock I have. The ones I have certainly match up to the maingano I have seen online, however, everything gets labelled Johanni when it's blue :roll: Bit of a pain in the behind really when nothing comes in labelled, saves confusion. Oh and Dan yes there have been maingano in NZ previously, an old african keeper who has kept fish for a long time, had them here in Hawkes Bay and passed them on when he went out of fish keeping, he also had purple mbuna along with another guy here in the North Island.. apparently they came in some years ago.
  3. I had some identified as Maingano. The maingano are very closely related to Johanni, the females being blue aswell, but the females are not as brightly coloured as the males, the male are very intense in colour.. they look like a smaller version of the Johanni male.
  4. Some "Blue Danio" came into where my hubby works and in all honesty they didn't look anything startling at all, they do look like a danio that has been tampered with and I definately wouldn't have classed them as blue. Look like an attempt at Blue but never cut it :lol:
  5. They would do their parents proud Wok, great pic
  6. Welcome to the forums from a fellow Hawkes Bay person
  7. The most recent spawn with the dafs, they actually spawned in two places, one week age between fry, and what excellent parents, even more so than Brichardi I reckon :lol:
  8. :lol: Caryl Yeah agree with ryan, looks good 8)
  9. 28-29 degrees, with extra airation will be fine, it has worked really well for me in the past and others. Definately for a decent period of time and just gauge whitespot.
  10. Afrikan

    Jacob Male

    Awesome, thanks for the pics callum... 8)
  11. Yeah it could well be white spot... I just bump the temp and airation up if ever a case of whitespot... I prefer to try that before using treatments of any kind.
  12. Afrikan

    Jacob Male

    Yeah local fish store or shop
  13. Where are the small spots situated smidey?
  14. Afrikan

    Jacob Male

    Mine is exactly as Dans also but a heap more intense in colour, his is how mine was before he really matured in colouration, his colour is really vivid and intense. We can't state what they are in species due to the fact that they came in as no given variant, just Jacobs. There are rather a few variants of Jacobs and even then a certain given variant shows different colourations on sites I have seen. So the newly imported Jacobs are unknown.
  15. Afrikan

    Jacob Male

    Ummm Dan that's exactly how my male started before he developed his maturing colouration. My ones top fin also had a thick band of white but has thinned down with finnage colour travelling higher (if that makes sense) same with tail. And yeah photos definately don't show what is seen by the human eye huh. My Baenschi male is exactly like yours too, but more intense colouration due to being the dominant boy of the tank.
  16. When we kept hillstream loaches, they noshed down on flake, blood worm, any treats fed out... the only thing they had to do with algae really was leave their marks in it as they slid over the glass.
  17. PM Zev on this thread in regards to obtaining a membership form
  18. Cool, can't wait to see the finished results
  19. Oooo will go take a gander at it evil 8)
  20. They are two different species, so has nothing to do with strain, the fact is they will be cross breeds, a big no no. I think most would agree that we need to keep the Daffodils going here in NZ... and if mixed with Brichardi that would be a huge disaster. I also keep Brichardi, they do seem to produce more babies in one spawning compared to the Dafs, yet my Dafs still seem to produce alot more than 20 per spawning... And because you have a pair of Brichardi that have paired off to breed doesn't mean that they won't breed with anything else later on, in the past I have had Brichardi pair off and breed, but that same male out of the pair, bred later on down the track with another Brichardi female.
  21. I don't rinse the buckets of noodles etc, I just change the filter wool and bung everything back in.
  22. Anything cave like in the tank then Kribs will happily continue to breed.. Once those fry are on the move with mum and dad, then it definately will be a case of "look out tank mates"
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