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Posts posted by Afrikan

  1. Chain loaches - there's a thought. They often have them at Organism too

    Do they need a mature tank?

    Ummmm yeap I would definately leave the loaches till tank is mature Caryl for Chainies, however, they would be awesome to go in later down the track ;):D Their interaction with one another is enough to catch anyones eye... love the idea of the barbs instead of guppies tho... it is actually nice to see a tank of barbs... Will be good when they let you upgrade to a larger tank. That way you have more option and room to play with :lol:

  2. That is awesome Caryl :D

    Shame the lady there doesn't like animals of any kind, the hospice here in Hastings where my dad spent rather a bit of time before he passed on due to cancer, they had a resident cat who the patients loved having around the place, and a beautiful tank on display... this particular hospice has an amazing warm feeling about the place even tho it is a place of sadness and sickness...

    Good luck with the tank :D Hmmm suggestions.... I love dwarf chain loaches... about 3 would look neat 8)

  3. Wicked ryan :D Looks so different now compared to when we were there a couple of weeks back :lol: So well stocked now and I must say it still looks wicked as ever :)

    I can see a pair of Kribs in there... crikey :o :lol: :lol:

    I think I spotted an OB female holding too...??? Play spot the expecting female :D

    And the Red Emp boy gonna be a looker huh ;)

  4. :lol: :lol: Classic AP...

    Yeah it can be frustrating henward when things are mislabelled wrong.. however the best thing to do would be to email them or leave a message if you can in a comments box or something and inform them.... that's if there are those options available.

  5. Hmmm is it TM's responsibility tho if the trade has gone through and you have paid, I would have thought it was polices problem.. and maybe small claims court if the guy refuses to come to the party...?? I know TM can contact him over the matter but not sure if they can do anything legally against him.. That is something worth knowing incase others get stung over the same thing..

    I really hope you get it sorted sooner rather than later danny, must be awful feeling :-?

  6. Well Wok, that ghastly name certainly isn't going to eventuate :lol: :lol:

    Casper... :D I still not sure yet, I have been constantly looking at her pic, and now I can see her with eyes open etc, I am going to go through the list of names and see what she best suits :D

    Thanks guys for the suggestions.... could always do with some more suggestions too, can never have too many to mull over... btw, I am not into cutesy wutesy names either :lol: :lol:

  7. mitch.. I had a Leopard Spot pleco for 2 years and it was nowhere near as fast growing as Red Spots etc.... infact I have read somewhere that they don't grow as big, and that was a pleco enthusiast website, can't recall where that site was now... But our one certainly didn't grow fast at all and only got to below medium size really no matter how much food he consumed. I love the colouration of the Leopard Spots.

  8. Oh and forgot to say before, rollergirl, glad to hear you are going into more africans again :D

    Dems, Yellows and a nice species of Peacock sound good 8)

    And re.. breeding Afs... :D I would never keep any fry that have been produced in a mixed display.... regardless of how sure I am that they have bred true, all mine get seperated off in single species tank, infact I don't have a Malawi display tank a anymore, all mine are in seperate breeding or holding tank of their own in shed... and some species in the back room.

    Mbuna will readily cross breed aswell, not just Peacocks 8)

  9. I have never had problems with sinking sticks.... water quality has never suffered because of them... I don't use them now as we are using NLS mainly... but when we did use them, they were great... no more messyness than usual... 8)

    Sera Granugreen is good for the mbuna, that's what we had ours on for a while.... however I never made a habit of feeding Granumeat for East African Carnivores.. that was fed to Peacocks and Frontosa etc... not the mbuna.

  10. Wow another one who has Dimmu Borgir.. we have some of theirs 8) And Angel Of Death from Slayer takes me way back to teens.. 8)

    And re Rap/Hip Hop... I am not a fan... but I must say I love ol' Slim Shady/Eminem... love the music, and the guy is just too straight up to ever dislike :lol:

  11. Oh sorry... I didn't even see your sig, duh :lol: Check out with your local store and see if they can get you another brand of algae grazing product, if they get Sera product in that is good stuff... well my mbuna have seemed to love it

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