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Posts posted by Afrikan

  1. :lol: :lol: That was a great read, are you bored tonight, hence the trial :D And ummm how did you fit all of those burgers in? :D :lol:

    I think it all depends on location of each Takeaway joint... on who is better than others.... I have had a great burger from BK here in Napier, but sailed over to Hastings one time and got same burger there and BLEH :-? :lol: Same goes with the other opposition.. some places better than others 8)

  2. That is why it takes patience and perseverance to see if the both settle in together, it would be nice to be able to settle the two species in together... rather than give up and take off to the lfs with the bag of fish.

  3. Turn the tank light off... and keep a close eye, and if that fails then...

    Hmmm maybe you could net your 4 lampeyes out and keep them out for a wee while and reintroduce, works well for rather a few cichlid species... possibly it could work for your tetras?

    Does giving them a wee bit of food take their mind off things...

    Just try and persevere.. hopefully they settle down.

  4. I have decided to breed something a bit different, and something less extreme in personality... for once...

    So... have decided to give Lemon Tetras a whirl... I have a bare bottom tank, with corner filter and a heap of java moss...

    Has anyone else out there have any tips in regards to breeding Lemon Tetras, we have males and females.. the males are definately showing signs as in wanting to breed, the old chase the female to the java moss... and the old twitch and shimmer going on....

    They are in good nick, however, was wondering what others condition their tetras up with pre spawning...

    Any info will be much appreciated 8) Thanks :D

  5. Seriously doubt the rams will spawn while im away well they'll spawn but with the swordtails, cories and others in the tank the babies will have stuff all chance of survival..

    Very true Ryan :lol: Wasn't sure if they were going to be in their own tank or have tank mates :)

    Yeah the other apisto pair are doing well too, the male is stunning.. :D Shy little blighters tho, as soon as they see my cellphone to take a pic well the tank suddenly looks empty :lol:

  6. :lol: Very true livingart.. 8) And bulldogod, it is awesome being a couple and both being into fish... 8) however hmm yeah.. the fighting or claim over tanks can be interesting.. :lol: We have both come to realise that the 8ft is shared, he has 4ft of it and I have the other... and his fish and my fish can both mingle in each others zone.. :roll: :)

  7. Short termish would be fine, the chocs get huge (well the male does and my female is certainly a big girl too).. however not overly fast growing... I reckon they all would be ok for the mean time in that size tank, however might want to upgrade later down the track.

  8. Thanks 8) Last year she still managed to blow out candles on her 100th birthday... today, was just a quiet day, she was happily having a snooze in the sun....

    We have 6 generations in our family now :) Family portraits need to be taken sooner rather than later :lol:

  9. Another problem in recent times with rams is the fact they are coming in with internal parasites, some of them have to must dreadful sunken in tummies... Near on 2 years ago when we had 2 pairs of rams, they were outstanding in condition and lasted ages, even went as far as spawning in their planted tank.. yet kuhli loaches etc took care of those I am sure... :roll: :lol: I am certainly on the look out for some nice rams at some stage, just gotta make sure I have the room first.

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