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Posts posted by Afrikan

  1. The Brilliant Blacks came into the store where my hubby works and the majority of them ended up with swimming difficulties, bobbing up and down, nose pointing upwards and forever moving due to the fact that whenever they try and stop moving they just drop...

    Both lots came in like it, so definately a problem there with the Brilliant Blacks.

  2. Why you started counts for nothing now. You should know better by now. Stop Smoking. Go visit (and smell the live people rotting) a cancer ward if you need motivation (or are still the curious type) :wink:

    Oh I have always had a brain :wink: And in regards to cancer wards, I went through 4 years of cancer with my father and have seen enough cancer to last me a life time.. and watched him lose the battle to cancer.. so I know cancer ward and sickness rather well.. :-?

    Oh and for the record, his was non smoking related aswell as alot of other cancers in hospice..

  3. Why you started counts for nothing now. You should know better by now. Stop Smoking. Go visit (and smell the live people rotting) a cancer ward if you need motivation (or are still the curious type)

    You obviously haven't read the whole thread the Conch... I am an ex smoker.. you might want start back at page 1 :roll: :)

  4. Its fairly simple - smoking is very bad for an individual's health and society in general. There are no positive aspects of smoking, unless you count 'looking cool', which was the image tobacco companies sold to the weak-minded. It should be banned, completely, everywhere - and for those current smokers - tough luck - time to grow up and actually be cool instead of believing holding a cigarette does that for you.

    That is a load of rubbish... you are saying that alot of people over the years have taken up smoking just to as you put it "look cool".... curiosity is a huge part for some... peer pressure from younger ones... caving into peer pressure is not to look cool, it is to gain acceptance... But yes there are kids that take it up to look the part.... but don't be fooled by the whole "look cool" stereotype...

    I took up smoking years ago through curiosity.. and I liked it (surprise!)... not to look cool, the majority of the time I was down with my horses at the paddock... I hardly think my horses would have thought I looked cool as they were the general audience the majority of the time :lol:

  5. I have left the fry in with the parents, cockatoos... yet other cichlids I have chosen to take the eggs away from and raise them myself, generally due to the fact that one or both of the parents aren't overly showing good signs of parenting... If your pair are showing really good signs, then leave them and see how they go, it is a trial and error thing :D Some fish can take a couple of spawns before they realise what good parenting is all about :) Even tho the babies are tiny they will still be feeding, you will see them scoot along pecking lightly at substrate and tiny particles we can't see floating by 8)

    Good Luck and keep us posted :D

    PS Just go easy on the egg amount, it can be very very messy and spoils the water pretty quick.

  6. I would do partial water changes, always good for frys growth :D Just make sure you don't suck any up, little Dwarf babes are hard to see at first that is for sure :D :lol:

    I am using Sera very fine baby food for my newly born cockatoos... they love it... they are just free swimming and already noshing down...

    Starting them on brineshrimp in the next day or two :D

  7. We sailed past Kims the other day.... and there was a Market on again.. would have stopped in to say hello again, haven't seen her since we got the Blueys and she had said to drop in, but we were short on time and had two big Oscars in the back :roll: :lol:

  8. Afrikan wrote:

    You mean your jewels pick off some of their own young?

    Yip! there's probably about 30 or so in what used to be a "community" tank, i know jewels arent reccomended for a comunity tank because of their nature but ours have always been fine!

    They are usually very good parents, so I doubt they will pick off their own young if they are mother and father of the year... :lol:

  9. $7 each for a Dwarf Chain Loach is a real bargain!! I would say they have priced them well and truely wrong... :lol: :lol: Or priced them as something else :roll: :lol:

  10. Oh really, can't I just leave it on the ground outside with all the cigarette ends? :wink:

    Yeap cig butts thrown everywhere is gross...

    But in regards to either one left on ground outside... I know which I would rather tread on or be left to clean up as caretaker :o :lol: :lol:

  11. I managed to get some pics last night of our boy... found out hubbys comp has card reader, so don't need to use camera port to get pics...

    All babes are busy buzzing around today, eating very fine baby food.. soon to be on brineshrimp 8)

    Will post some pics up later tonight.

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