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Posts posted by Afrikan

  1. We get huge amounts of wood wash up here in the Bay.... I take a heap home.. nice heavy pieces.. more of the dense kind we go for... and throw a heap in big old troughs outside and the stuff that doesn't sink right away, sinks pretty much in a month or so... and alot of stuff I find sinks straight away.. I just leave it to soak and pick it out when need be 8)

  2. Cam you will be stoked after your first lot born... 8) And to keep a limit on the amount yours produce you can always seperate males/females... and just reintroduce when you want some to breed again. Many people I have spoken to in past have said their Bristles have often gone in stages of breeding, breed a few batches then they have a chill out period...

    I have found our Bristles have bred in a tank of their own or in a community. Our GBA's have gone well in their own tank with very good strong water flow.

    Enzoom is going to busy counting :lol:

  3. I had a very large silver dollar do the same after it was knocked by another large fish... not a deliberate knock, it was a race to food... the swim bladder had been knocked/bruised... was acting very much in the same way as your borneo... on side, almost doing somersault.. I netted him out and put him in his own tank and after 3 days he came right... possibly not what the problem is with your borneo, but just a thought... as knock to swim bladder can do it.

  4. Yeah with the time of year they may not settle in so well to warmer conditions, best time to acclimatize them is summer time.. where waters are a little warmer in their natural environment.

    Keep us posted tho 8)

  5. Yeah definately as smidey asks... what sort of cichlid :lol:

    If you are referring to Africans... we used marble chip and coral sand in other tanks. You wouldn't want to use these 2 substrates with anything non African.

  6. Ive been nailed by my big Oscar who got over excited around food time... definately left a scuff :lol:

    A school of 6 Oscars, happy families in the tank, hand and food in and biggy had to get their first :roll:

  7. Not trying to talk you into upgrading, I am just asking is that as big are you are going for an african tank longterm, so I know what to suggest :lol:

    To be honest, no more giraffes... tank will be far too small longterm.

    What is your filtration like?

    I guess you like him enough to hold on to him... my giraffes that I had in our 6ft display were very active... loved living in a group to be honest... I had rather a few fish in the big tank to spread the aggression somewhat, to be honest tho, my giraffes were big babies :lol:

    A nice harem of peacocks could be nice... or you could try Kadango... it is up to you... african tanks are a trial and error thing really, what works for some with species together may not work for others.... 8) He may work in with them at the moment, but be aware that as he gets bigger he might start thinking the tank belongs to him solely also..

    Have you considered just having solely mbuna.. like E. Yellows and another species as display, maybe Demasoni?

    There are a heap of options out there really.

  8. You will find that your giraffe will be way more of an open swimmer... hence why he is cruising the tank, up and down and everywhere... mbuna tend to stick to rocks, mbuna means rock fish or rock dweller :D

    Long term are you staying with that size tank or are you wanting to upgrade later on?

  9. I don't travel with mine, the most travel it is going to get soon is travelling to fish club nights... to use for auctions every second month :lol:

    I got a laptop simply for the reason of having it on my lap and moving around the house with it if need be :lol:

    They are convenient for those purposes, or if you don't want a big hefty comp set up with desk etc and want the space for an extra fish tank instead :)

    Hubby's computer runs through our LCD screen, so we just put the computer, mouse and keyboard tucked away..

    I think it comes down to what best suits your needs 8)

  10. We run two Aquis 2400's on our big 8fter, they crank... we have never in the whole time of running them had the water flow reduce on them due to clog... they get cleaned every three months, and they do an outstanding job on the tank... and the tubing on them is horse choker size, never had a clog there ever either 8) After keeping and having many African tanks, well stocked Malawi to smaller Tang tanks... canisters have been excellent in our experience of keeping africans.

    I like the idea of a sump, however, we never went there because we have a 4 year old boy who even tho he doesn't touch fish related stuff as he knows it is out of bounds, we just wouldn't risk the whole easy access thing. Yes they are great, but there is no reason why a nice big filter or two if by choice, get passed by as an option.

  11. I haven seen any :o Oh well I will just have to make do with the bands I love in concert on screen :lol: :lol: (for now :roll: )

    My dad has been to alot of Pink Floyd concerts and David Bowie (being a pom that he was he couldn't miss out on Floyd or Bowie :) ) I remember he and mum going to David Bowie.. The Glass Spider Concert, and apparently it was out of this world, they even brought the concert book home that you could purchase there and the effects etc, out of this world 8)

  12. For an over-stocked fresh water tank [like africans] I can't see why you'd want to go for anything else.

    Why not... good sized canister or canisters with good water turn over cranks on a fully stocked african tank :)

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