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Posts posted by Afrikan

  1. I think if there is a given smokers area at a place of employment.. an area solely for smokers outside, then I don't see what the problem is... this means the non smokers can stay clear if they choose.... but unfortunately some don't choose to and still complain about it.. :roll: Or they often complain if a worker comes inside from having a cigarette and they smell of smoke... mind you, in the past working.. I have been offended by peoples perfumes and aftershaves, the ones who decide to wear half a bottle at a time and near knock you out.. burn your nostrils or so strong you can taste it :-? :lol:

  2. I agree DavidR... it does come down to personal responsibility and if people don't want to have to be exposed to cigarette smoke at a work place ie outside lunch area... then they shouldn't put themself in that position... what I couldn't stand when I did used to be a smoker, was sitting outside with a group of people (smokers) and a anti smoker would come along to chat... standing around and then have to make a comment about stinky smoke or show displeasure... easy answer, exit stage left, you don't have to hang around when people are on their break outside having a cigarette... :roll:

    Even tho I am not a smoker now... I don't mind personally being around someone having a cigarette outside... I don't judge them for their habit... however, always think they better off without the nasty things :lol:

  3. I am an ex smoker... well actually I was an off and on smoker over the years, not constant. I actually recently purchased some cigarettes as I thought I felt like one...... and I tell ya I will not be purchasing another packet, it did me good to purchase a packet tho after being a non smoker for so long and to realise just how hideous the habit is and I am certainly not missing out on much :evil: :evil: I certainly am not missing out on anything being a non smoker, I feel so much better for it. I am so pleased that restaurants etc are smoke free now, as I can truely understand how irritating it would have been for people who have never smoked, after being a past smoker I can look from both sides of the fence... and yeap so public places and restaurants etc should be smoke free... 8)

    I gave up originally before I got pregnant, as I do not believe that any person should smoke while pregnant, it's disgusting, there is nothing worse than seeing a pregnant woman puffing on the end of a fag :-? :-? That is a major pet hate of mine. After my son was born.. at one stage I took the habit up again when my dad died, but soon booted that in the butt again...

    It takes will power to give up... not those silly patches that people rely on because they are not strong enough within to quit.

    JMO 8)

  4. Will keep you posted smcoleman :D

    The babies are already picking at food... and doing well :D

    The parents are stunning, sadly with my digital camera having broken port I can't take a pic as of tonight...

    Ryan put some pics up of his that are from same lot aren't they Ryan?

    The male is stunning... and the female is just gorgeous, and boy is she mum of the year :D

  5. I have a lovely pair of Kribs in with Corys and they are fine and dandy... placid, breeding time tho and they can often show their devil side of which is understandable 8)

    If they were a albino pair of Kribs, I would say breed breed breed!!! There is a shortage around and we could do with some :lol:

  6. I came across an interesting thread on another forum about livebearers crossing... Someone who is right into their livebearers had said that platys and guppies don't cross as SW says above. But Mollys will cross with guppies.... and young can be produced. It stated that if a male Molly breeds with a Guppy female it will more than likely kill her due to birthing difficulty... yet a male Guppy to a Molly female can produce fry but often they don't survive.

  7. Yeah Pufferfish or Trigger, both wicked fish 8)

    I have just shifted the marine tank back inside, I have a big canister running on the puffer tank, have coral rock in the tank... and have a skimmer, just replacing the pump on it actually.... I get my saltwater from the National Aquarium ( :hail: to them) and we do a water change on him weekly... however lately with changing tanks around etc, he went 2 weekly, didn't make a diff tho... not a huge amount of waste with just him in there.

  8. Well I recently noticed our Cockatoos were showing interest in spawning... female colouring up nicely, male and female dancing alot... however, with other tasks around the place re reorganising tanks, I didn't take overly alot of notice and a few nights ago, wow the cheeky girl has babes that she decided to keep secret :lol:

    There is a decent spawn and babes are doing well, however yesterday I got up in the morning to find the tank on 18 degrees, the heater plug had been bumped and wasn't pushed into the socket properly so the tank dropped it's temp overnight.. it is on the breakfast bar and temp went way down to 18... :o I thought awwww hell the babies are dead... plugged the heater back in.... notice the babies were missing out of the pot.. drat.... well yesterday while feeding the parents... I checked the pot further back behind the pot they were in.... as the female kept sailing into it.. to find she had shifted her babes into the pot behind :lol: And they survived that huge temp drop... the babies are still moving around happily in the bottom of the pot :hail::hail:

  9. Heya mitch

    That is definately not the same as our Leopard spot that we had... alot different, and our Leopard didn't have the sail type fin and also his spots were alot smaller and placed differently, and the colouration of spots was metallic more so... maybe there are different variants of.. I am not overly sure with the bigger species plecs that come in, some are wrongly named etc Our guy was very very slow growing tho and even to this day isn't a big plec.

    What a lovely Plec tho, very chunky like :)

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