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Posts posted by Afrikan

  1. Yeah she has seen ALOT and told us of alot too.... It really has been so great growing up learning from her about past times.. She was from a really wealthy pioneering family, she was a nurse and in 1931 earthquake she was buried alive... under the hospital.

    Her doctors/specialist check up that she had last year around the time she turned hundred years old, he said that her heart was in excellent condition and that it was at the same level of condition that would belong to a 60 year old... :o Shes a spritely old duck considering her age... and boy she doesn't mince words either :lol: :lol:

  2. I thought Harrier Hawk was also native to both NZ and Oz, referred to as Australasian Harrier? I thought they were called Kahu here..? We have heaps of them around here... they are stunning and once out at my inlaws property in the country I managed to witness one hunting for live food, however not ground level prey.. flying prey... It flew right into a tree branch full of leaves full force and came out holding a minor bird, it was amazing to watch :hail: The sound was amazing and leaves just flew everywhere off the tree..

  3. I wouldn't recommend Scolofi and Suris together at all... may not end up a pretty picture.. Africans personally I think should be kept in their required set up... Scolofi would also prefer a nice heavily rocked tank, diff water parameters too. I would stick with fish from Americas to go in with your Suris... ie other Geos and maybe some nice fancy plecs 8)

  4. Heck, at least over here we don't have to have eyes in the back of our head avoiding lethal critters like you guys over there... would love to see a pic of the spitting little yellow stick critter.... :lol: It sounds almost like a stick insect maybe but a poisonous one?

  5. Now... a bald eagle would be nice 8) They are one beautiful looking bird.. you are lucky to have them over there :)

    We do have rather a few nice birds here in NZ.. and can see your point over the pesky roaches.... I could do with some of the american cockroaches over here tho, lizard would love them :lol:

  6. I love them but then I think I may have made that clear somewhat earlier :oops: I took a bit of offense that one of our special birds was being picked to bits a little 8)

    Seeing one in the flesh is so amazing compared to seeing one in a picture, their feathers are coarse and look like fur more so. The sound of them is beautiful... they have strong legs... very sturdy robust bird really 8)

  7. I realise there is conflicting info on the forums, however with a forum, it is a place for discussion, and people can get more than one view on a certain species... I find alot on the web majorly conflicting.. and for newbies to be able to find a place to ask people who keep a particular species etc, you can't beat it. Obviously keriboi didn't realise what SBD was meaning or possibly how to have taken the reply... 8)

  8. Will be good long term that you put your guppies etc in another tank, so that's great that there will be a change there 8)

    Umm re angels, I guess shops will always be a bit more expensive than purchasing privately from a fishkeeper/breeder.

    I have 5 small Koi angels at the moment that are starting to get a little stroppy with each other along with eyeing up the odd smaller tetra... they can be trouble with a capital T at times :lol:

  9. Well I guess if neither of you like our national icon then you could always buzz off over to some other country and appreciate theirs instead 8) :lol:

    I think we should think ourselves lucky that we still have the kiwi to appreciate and nurture... and I would have thought this was thread was to share and appreciate pictures etc of the creatures that we have here in NZ instead of picking holes... :roll:

  10. I have never seen fish reside in a rat cage before 8) :D

    I think it all depends on the individual fish when it comes to aggression, I have had angels from a very small size get stroppy and have had others that are so laid back right up until they get to a decent size... however, with having those eye catching tank mates in their tank, you might find they end up trying to predate upon them.. guppies, neons... they can often end up eyeing up smaller tank mates ie neons etc and even when what they are eyeing up could still be a bit too large for the mouth, it won't stop them trying and that's when you start seeing tails and finnage with chunks taken out... Just keep an eye on their behaviour as they develop, the could start getting stroppy or predating behaviour at a small size yet could hold off till they get to a decent size..

  11. Pet Planet now belongs to Origin Aquatics, there has been website problems after the change was made... Also Origin Aquatics are shifting premises as of this week... and Bryan is a bit behind due to unforseen circumstances... he had a heap of help organised aswell to help shift and seems rather a few people opted out last minute :-? He is definately a tad behind at the moment but he is a trustworthy guy so no worries there 8)

  12. We keep Suris, along with other types of Geo...

    They are reasonably what I would call slow growing... We keep them in around 26-28 degrees, on a sand substrate... actually Daltons Propagating Sand is their substrate in their tank. They like to sift the substrate, as this is what they do. So having a finer substrate is needed. Ours have been fine in a planted tank, they will not go around tugging at plants and deliberately tearing them out, if there is enough space given for substrate sifting and plant the plants well and have even some rock work or something similar around the bases, then things should be fine and dandy, our guys have never touched plants. We have kept Suri along with other types of Geo, medium sized to large Tetras ie Columbian Tetras etc, Catfish, fancy Plecos, they are a fabulous fish and have outstanding beauty once mature 8) They can be a little bossy but generally we have found ours pretty laid back 8)

    How big is your tank? And I would stick with either 2... or more than 3 as a number in the tank... You mentioned you wanted 3.. If you were lucky to get two out of that 3 being different sex... the 2 could eventually pair up, then the other one may get a hard time if seen as in the way if the others infact want to spawn.

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